/ / Monthly during pregnancy at an early period possible?

Monthly during pregnancy at an early period possible?

In normal pregnancy, especiallyfemale cycle change, and the menstrual flow for this period is terminated. In some cases there are exceptions, this is influenced by certain hormonal and individual factors. Monthly during pregnancy at an early period is quite possible, the main thing is to closely monitor your health and well-being in order to prevent possible problems.

menstruation during early pregnancy

Causes of discharge during pregnancy

Many factors can influence this process:

  • hormonal disorders (lack or excess of progesterone);
  • the presence of gynecological or venereal diseases (for example, during erosion of the cervix, discharge may occur due to a strong blood flow to it, normally they do not pose a danger to the fetus);
  • development of ectopic pregnancy;
  • pathology during the implantation of the ovum;
  • attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus;
  • ablution of the fetus;
  • bubble skid.

Each of these factors to varying degreesmay affect the monthly during pregnancy in the early period. If no problems with health and hormones are detected, then the bleeding is not considered a pathology.

They can also be at a time when a womanmenstruation should have begun if fertilization had not taken place. Therefore, before you worry and draw conclusions, you must be carefully examined and consult a gynecologist.

Progesterone deficiency

Progesterone is the main hormone.of pregnancy. Its functions include secretion of the corpus luteum, which ensures the full and proper development of the embryo. In case of violation of the production of progesterone possible miscarriages in the early stages.

To start treatment in time, it is necessary to know the symptoms of hypoandrogenism:

  • severe tiredness;
  • increased irritability;
  • headache;
  • increased chest and abdomen;
  • a sharp jump in weight;
  • pain during menstruation.

Hormone ensures the development of the corpus luteum, it is, inturn produces the hormones necessary for the development of the fetus to 16 weeks. After this period, the placenta formed independently provides the fetus with all the necessary nutrients.

With the onset of pregnancy, the consequencelack of progesterone may be bleeding and lower abdominal pain. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms in time, then after a short period of time the pain intensifies, becomes cramping in nature and a spontaneous miscarriage occurs. Monthly during pregnancy at an early period should always alert the woman and be an important reason to visit a doctor.


Behind this word is the problem of oversupply.hormone progesterone. When too much of the male hormone is produced in the female body, the process of implantation of the ovum is disrupted. Or, when a pregnancy has already begun, the egg is rejected by the body and a miscarriage occurs at an early period.

Symptoms of hyperandrogenism are:

  • weakening of toxicosis;
  • lack of engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • the appearance of bloody discharge;
  • pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen.

Discharge in early pregnancy withthe presence of these symptoms require immediate medical attention. To avoid miscarriage can only timely determine the level of this hormone in the blood and properly prescribed treatment.

why periods during pregnancy

Correctly decipher the analysis on progesterone will help the table by week of pregnancy, showing its normal content.

Gestation periodThe content of progesterone in the blood, nmol / l
1 term (up to 12 weeks)8,9-468
2 trimester (up to 27 weeks)71,5-503,1
3 trimester (up to 40 weeks)88,7-771,5

Колебания количества гормона зависят от individual characteristics of the hormonal background of the woman and the difficulties observed during the course of pregnancy. Normally, the content of progesterone can vary widely, without having a negative effect on the development of the fetus.

Bleeding with genital tract infections

During pregnancy, there are periods and becausethe presence of various diseases, in particular sexually transmitted diseases. Discharges may not always occur in a pregnant woman who has a sexually transmitted infection, therefore, at the first signs of pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo testing to exclude STDs. If this is not done and the treatment is not started in time, a spontaneous miscarriage can occur with serious consequences.

possible monthly during pregnancy

Possible monthly during pregnancy andthe presence of any pathological, chronic or inflammatory processes in the pelvic area and appendages. Therefore, in the presence of bleeding, having an alarming nature, it is necessary to undergo an examination and visit a doctor who is able to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe a treatment with which you can save the pregnancy.

Ectopic pregnancy

In this case, the implantation and development of the fetusperformed in the fallopian tube. Since the structure of this body does not have the ability to significantly increase in size, such a pregnancy can be the cause of tube rupture and the development of peritonitis.

during pregnancy there are periods

The cause of ectopic pregnancy can be:

  • pathology of the fallopian tubes (partial or complete obstruction, the presence of adhesions);
  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive system (inflammation of the pelvic organs, appendages and their pathologies);
  • the presence of infectious or sexually transmitted diseases that have been transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse.

Ectopic pregnancy is always accompaniedsevere pain in the abdomen and appendages. Therefore, the manifestation of this symptom requires the help of medical staff. Female consultation without fail should be visited at the first signs of pregnancy to exclude its ectopic course.

Egg attachment pathologies

A fruit egg is always attached to a healthy one.place of the uterus without any damage. If a woman has some chronic diseases of the reproductive system, adhesions, it is necessary to closely monitor the course of pregnancy and the state of her health.

pregnancy description

Attaching an egg can come true verylow - to the bottom of the uterus, or even to her neck. Because of this, the placenta is not there, the placenta previa appears. A cervical pregnancy is the most dangerous because it causes severe bleeding and in many cases it is followed by the removal of the uterus.

Monthly during pregnancy at an early period in most cases indicate the presence of a pathological or infectious process in the female reproductive system.

Embryo implantation

The process of implantation of the ovum into the wall of the uterus may also be accompanied by poor bleeding, the duration of which varies from several hours to several days.

This bleeding may be the very first.a sign that pregnancy has come. Description of the process of implantation of the ovum in more detail can be obtained in the antenatal clinic. In this matter, it is important to be able to distinguish between implant and pathological bleeding.

To exclude excitement on this occasion, you can visit your treating gynecologist. However, it is important to remember the danger of any gynecological intervention in the early period of pregnancy.

weekly pregnancy table

Washing of the fetus

In this case, the monthly discharge is deceitful.That is, when fertilization begins on the appointed day, menstruation begins. In this case, it is important to pay attention to your well-being (the presence of dizziness, weakness, nausea) and the duration and profusion of menstruation.

It is recommended when any suspicions stillmake a pregnancy test to finally be convinced of the presence or absence of pregnancy, and after confirming this fact, immediately consult a doctor.

Do not worry about why menstruation occurred during pregnancy. In medical practice, this phenomenon is not considered pathological.

Bubble skid

This indicates an abnormal development of the ovum - when, instead of the villi, bubbles or cysts filled with fluid begin to form on the outer shell of the embryo (chorion) instead of the villi.

Cystic skid causes excessiverapid cell division and growth of the membrane, resulting in the death of the embryo. The development of this pathology is a cause of a violation in the genetic sphere. In this case, the embryo lacks the chromosomal set of the mother, and the father is duplicated. Such a bubble skid is called complete.

Partial pathology may occur due tofertilization of an ovum with a diploid set of chromosomes. In this case, in the process of fetal development, a large number of pathologies are found that are incompatible with life.

Most often, the cystic skid can develop in the fallopian tubes during ectopic pregnancy. But there were cases of his discovery in young mothers and women over 35 years

discharge during early pregnancy

Female consultation should providepregnant women with all the necessary assistance in terms of examination and prescription of treatment. If it is necessary to conduct additional analyzes, it is necessary to provide the woman with all the documents and directions.

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