/ / Medication «Itrazol». Instructions for use

The medicine "Itrazol". Instructions for use

Medication "Itrazol" instructions for userefers to synthetic antifungal medicines. The drug has a wide range of effects. The agent inhibits ergosterol synthesis in the membrane of fungal cells. The active substance of the drug is itraconazole. The drug shows activity against dermatophytes, yeast, fungi yeast-like type. Absorption of the drug occurs from the gastrointestinal tract quickly enough and almost completely. When taken immediately after meals increases bioavailability. After three to four hours, the drug reaches its maximum concentration. The medicine is able to quickly distribute in liquids and tissues, including the vaginal mucosa, is found in the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands.

itrazole instruction price
In therapeutic concentrations, the agentremains in the skin for two to four weeks after the end of the monthly course. In the keratin of nails, the content of the preparation "Itrazol" (instructions for use indicates this) is reached a week after the start of treatment. The therapeutic level of the drug is detected over a period of six months after the withdrawal of the drug. Metabolized medicine in the liver. Excretion occurs through the intestines and kidneys.

Capsules "Itrazol". Indications. Dosing regimen

capsules of itrazole

The medication is administered orally after a meal.Against the background of vulvovaginal candidiasis, the recommended dosage is twice a day for 200 mg for one day or once a day for 200 mg every three days. With pityriasis, lishae are prescribed for two hundred milligrams once a day. Duration of admission is a week. With dermatomycosis, the dosage is 100 mg once a day. The course lasts fifteen days. In the presence of lesions on the skin of the hands in the same dose, therapy is extended for another 15 days. When fungal keratitis is prescribed once a day for 200 mg. The duration of reception of the drug "Itrazol" (instruction for use indicates this) - 21 days. With onychomycosis, a medication is recommended for three months. Dosage - 200 mg once a day. The drug is taken continuously, daily. To eliminate the lesions on the nails legs regardless of the presence of damage to the nail plate brushes appointed three courses of a duration of one week. The interval between the courses is three weeks. When lesions of the nail plates of the brushes, two weekly courses are held with an interval of three weeks.

The drug "Itrazol". Instructions for use Contraindications

itrazole application instructions

Do not prescribe medication to patients,intolerant components, pregnant women, children under three years of age, breastfeeding women. Combined use of the drug with medications such as Midazolam, Triazolam, Lovastatin, Simvastatin, Pimozid, Quinidine, Dofetilide and others is not recommended. Caution during treatment is observed in heart failure of severe type, pathologies in the liver complicated by deficiency of functions. Therapy of children should be supervised by a specialist. The appointment of patients from three to twelve years is carried out after assessing the ratio of expected efficacy and the likely risk of taking the medication.

The drug "Itrazol". Instructions. Price

The cost of the medicine is from 345 rubles.

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