/ / Constipation in children - what to do?

Constipation in children - what to do?

Recently, the problem with constipation concernsnot only the older generation, but it occurs both in young and in childhood. More and more often parents turn to doctors with a question: constipation in children, what to do? It should be noted that if it concerns a newborn baby, then there may be temporary problems associated with the yet unformed system of the large intestine. The child can worry and cry before emptying the intestines, and after a couple of months the stool can fully be adjusted.

When a child is transferred to artificial feeding, then problems with defecation can arise because of the greater density of stool. If parents complain about constipation in children, what to do - the answer is unambiguous:it is necessary to consult a pediatrician who should examine the child. The cause may be an acute intestinal infection or just the unwillingness of a child to walk on the pot. Parents in this case need to find out the reason why the baby reacts so sharply to him and liquidate it.

To answer the question:constipation in children, what to do, first you need to balance the baby's nutrition. If the baby is on artificial feeding, then you need to revise the mixture and choose those in which the ratio of proteins to carbohydrates is reduced. Older children need to be given more fluids, include high-quality sour-milk products, bread with bran, beets, figs, dried apricots and prunes. Excellent porridge (buckwheat, barley), because they contain a lot of dietary fiber and baked apples.

If you complain about constipation in children, what to do withsuch a problem will tell you a nutritionist. In addition, the child needs to move more. Write it to the sports section, to sail or give it to a dance club. If the problem still remains relevant, you can apply as a laxative such herbal preparations as hay or buckthorn. You can not only use them often, as this can cause addiction and diarrhea.

Often as a solution to the problem useenema. To use this method, you need to know how to do an enema with a syringe. First, for enema you can use boiled water, preferably room temperature or saline solution, as well as a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The volume of the enema is calculated depending on the age of the child. Children under 1 year can gain about 100 ml of liquid, over 1 year - up to 300 ml, over 5 years - up to half a liter.

The syringe should be preliminarilyis sterilized, the tip is lubricated with petroleum jelly or baby cream. After that, the tip is inserted a few centimeters into the rectum and water is squeezed out gently on the child's sigh. Then the tip should be carefully pulled out and hands compress the buttocks for at least 1 minute. It will be good to turn the child on the back, then on the tummy, so that the fluid is evenly distributed throughout the intestines.

Some parents doubt whether it is possible to doenema newborn, and in vain. At this age it is just necessary to help the baby to get used to his food path. If you want to strengthen the effect of enema, add a little glycerin to the water (preferably, not more than 1 teaspoon). Of course, enemas can not be resorted to too often, the child must learn to cope with such problems on his own.

Some parents are faced with the fact thatit is possible to put the child in an enema. In this case, you can buy in the pharmacy glycerin suppositories and put the baby instead of syringing. Also, doctors often prescribe Karlovy Vary salt or magnesia as laxative, which are capable of retaining water and diluting fecal masses. These drugs also disinfect and remove poisons from the intestine. In any case, first you need to consult a pediatrician in order to avoid the negative consequences of self-treatment. After examining the child, the doctor will choose the most optimal treatment option.

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