/ / The drug "Cinnarizine": reviews of doctors are positive

The drug "Cinnarizine": the doctors' reviews are positive

Every person today is familiar with the stateoverwork. Disperses attention, it becomes impossible to focus on the simplest things. Suddenly begins to fail memory, there is a noise in the ears, insomnia, irritability. Many try not to attach importance to these symptoms, thereby only exacerbating the problem that has arisen. But you should not neglect your health. Even young people, students and schoolchildren are advised to consult a doctor when these symptoms appear. Perhaps, it is a question of insufficient supply of the brain with oxygen.

The doctor after the examination will appoint the righttreatment. Most likely, among the drugs that support health, there will be a "Cinnarizin" remedy. The doctors' comments on this medicine make it possible to conclude that it is highly effective. The drug has virtually no contraindications. It is prohibited only for nursing mothers and pregnant women. In all other cases, the medication "Cinnarizin", reviews not only of doctors, but also of people taking this medicine, allows you to quickly get rid of problems with weakening memory, attention, fatigue, irritability.

To whom is the medicine shown? The range of diagnoses under which the drug has a positive effect is very wide.

The medicine "Cinnarizin Sopharma" (by nameproducing company) activates cerebral and peripheral blood circulation. Possessing increased tropism to some brain cells, this medication improves the disturbed microcirculation, improves blood properties.

The drug "Tsinarizin", the instruction indicatesthis, increases the resistance of the cells to a lack of oxygen. It has antihistamine and sedative effect, but does not inhibit cardiac activity. That is why the medicine "Cinnarizin", the opinions of specialists do not differ in opinion, it is recommended for the following diseases and abnormalities:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • ischemia;
  • discirculatory encephalopathy;
  • Post-traumatic states after head and skull injuries;
  • dizziness, noise in the ears;
  • migraine;
  • dementia of different origins;
  • violation of memory, attention, thinking;
  • loss of mental balance, emotional excitability or depression, fatigue;
  • diseases Reynaud, Burger, other violations of peripheral circulation;
  • acroacinosis;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • diabetic angiopathy;
  • prevention of labyrinthine disorders.

The drug "Cinnarizine" is not recommended for Parkinson's disease. Pregnant he is appointed only in the event that the expected benefit from him should significantly exceed the probable harm.

The drug "Cinnarizine", reviewsonly some patients noted this, can cause dry mouth, mild dyspeptic disorders. Sometimes after taking the drug there is a slight dizziness, there is a headache or drowsiness. Very rarely there are skin reactions: itching, red lupus. Even less often there is tremor or weakening of the limbs.

Take Cinnarizine is recommendedafter meal. Usually, up to 50 mg of the drug divided into several doses per day is sufficient to prevent circulatory disorders. To increase peripheral circulation, the dose is increased to 70 mg.

The drug "Cinnarizine" has another excellentproperty: it prevents motion sickness, "seasickness". Enough for half an hour before the trip to drink 25 mg of the drug, and you can not worry about motion sickness. In case the trip is very long, after 6 hours you can take the second pill.

Do not forget that the exact dosagemedicines are selected by the doctor, being guided by features of the patient. Self-administration of medication can cause an overdose or cause another harm to the body.

Because the drug is able to induce someside effects (tremor, drowsiness, etc.), it should be used cautiously to those people whose activities require quick reaction and special concentration of attention.

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