What Japanese fungi can be used for therapeutic purposes? What properties do they have? How to apply them correctly? We will talk about all this in our article.
Shiitake is a plate-shaped fungus,which grows on the trunks of trees. It has a dark brown hat with a light edging and a cream fringe. The whole area of the fungus is covered with whitish scales. When squeezing the pulp, the latter almost immediately darkens. The shiitake foot has a cylindrical shape and a creamy shade. The structure of the pulp is fibrous, stiff.
Such a fungus is used not only in folkmedicine, but also in cooking. The taste of shiitake is very similar to an ordinary champignon. However, in its protein tissues contains a whole mass of essential amino acids. Fats here do not have cholesterol. For this reason shiitake is an excellent dietary product and is considered a delicacy. The Japanese consume the mushroom in its raw form, adding it to salads, and also use it as a side dish in the second course.
Japanese fungus is of interest forpharmacists and traditional healers. The results of laboratory studies show that shiitake contains active substances that are able to withstand viral infections and slow the growth of malignant tumors. First of all, we are talking about polysaccharide lentin. The microelement, which is synthesized in the tissues of shiitake, has a stimulating effect on the human immune system.
Japanese mushroom, photo of which can be seen inarticle, produces biologically active substances that activate the production of interferon in our body. Thanks to this, there is resistance to a variety of viral infections.
The useful qualities of the fungus have also been studied.are reflected in a decrease in blood cholesterol levels. Thus, the use of shiitake avoids the development of atherosclerosis, contributes to the normalization of pressure. Similar properties of Japanese fungus due to the presence of the active enzyme erytadenin.
Japanese milk mushroom mankind discoveredthanks to a lucky coincidence. Buddhist monks for centuries drank dairy products in clay containers. Over time, they noticed that the product sours in separate pots in different ways. The vessels that were washed in rivers and lakes, and not in the purest spring water, made it possible to get a more pleasant taste of yogurt. Monks found in such earthenware traces of the presence of protein biological compounds, from which formed a kind of grapes. Thanks to the consistent cultivation of the organism, a milk fungus was introduced, the use of which had a positive effect on a number of organs and systems of the human body. The remedy became known as the elixir of youth. People who regularly resorted to taking milk mushrooms were aging more slowly, daily were in good spirits.
The miracle cure is obtained as follows:
Using the above method, you can dailyproduce about 200 grams of product. Eat milk mushroom is recommended per glass per day on an empty stomach. Healers are advised to drink the formula an hour before going to bed. In order to improve the work of the pancreas, liver, organs of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug should be taken for 20 days. Then you must stop the course for 10-15 days, and after the passage of this time, if necessary, repeat the treatment.
Matsutake in the people called a quarter-shod.It is also known as a Japanese mushroom truffle. The product is highly appreciated by oriental chefs and folk connoisseurs. The taste is similar to the boletus. However, matsutake is much more useful.
This is quite expensive Japanese mushroom.The cost of the largest samples can be hundreds of dollars. It is explained by the presence of the widest range of medicinal qualities of the product, as well as by the lack of possibility for its cultivation in artificial conditions. Collect such mushrooms only in the forests and only during the autumn period.
Japanese mushroom mushroom, photo of whichpresented in the article, has a fleshy, thick leg of white hue and a small round brownish hat. It grows mainly in pine and oak forests. In the native latitudes representatives of the species can be found in the Irkutsk and Amur regions, in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, in the Urals.
Japanese mushtake mushrooms for a long timecenturies have been successfully applied for therapeutic purposes by the Oriental folk healers. The use of the product has a beneficial effect on enhancing the protective properties of the body. Active substances in the fungus reduce cholesterol in the blood, contribute to the prevention of diabetes.
Application of matsutake allows you to fight againstdevelopment of cancer tumors, and in the last stages of cancer. With the help of the remedy also eliminate benign neoplasms, for example, polyps, fibroadenomas, myomas.
Healing mushroom is a good cosmeticmeans. Matsutake extract eastern healers are used to eliminate unwanted pigmentation on the epidermis surface. Useful enzymes in the fungus reduce the activity of substances in the human body, which are responsible for the synthesis of melanin - the natural skin pigment.
The tea mushroom is also known under the namesmeduzomitset, sea kvass, kombucha. The product is a combination of acetic acid bacteria and yeast. Externally, the fungus resembles a kind of jelly, which is grown on leaven. It has an acid-sweet, slightly aerated flavor. Spores of the mushroom enrich tea infusions with a complex of vitamins and enzymes useful to the human body, as well as alcohol, organic acids.
The product acts as a natural antibiotic.Its use eliminates inflammatory processes in the tissues of the body, it allows to fight with bacterial lesions of organs and systems. The tea fungus normalizes digestion. With increased physical activity the product tones up the body thanks to the presence of caffeine in the composition.
Kombucha is widely used in the field ofmanufacturing of cosmetics. With its help eliminate furuncles, nail fungus lesions, acne. Regular consumption of drinks based on the fungus affects the improvement of the general condition of the skin.
The remedy can be used for weight loss purposes.Active substances in the tea fungus accelerate the course of metabolic processes in the human body, stimulate the formation of new cells, promote increased metabolism of nutrients in tissues.
The agent acts as a good painkiller.The infusions on the basis of the kombucha rinse the oral cavity with the deterioration of the teeth and gums. This solution is also suitable for removing discomfort in case of sunburn skin.
The tea fungus has diuretic properties.It helps to remove stones and sand from the kidneys. Drinks prepared with klbuchi, perfectly quench your thirst and look like an ideal substitute for fruit juices, lemonades, compotes.
To prepare a drink based on kombuchiit is recommended to use a capacious glass container. The best option is a typical 3-liter pot. Prepare the remedy as follows. Brew strong tea beforehand. The glass vessel is filled with sweetened boiled water almost to the brim. About 100 grams of sugar is used per liter of liquid. Tea infusion is also poured here. Finally, the pre-prepared mycelium klubuchi is washed under running water and lowered into a jar. The container is not covered with a lid. After all, for growth, the fungus needs to be supplied with an abundance of oxygen. To avoid contamination of the composition, the jar is covered with a piece of gauze.
The tea mushroom is stored in a dark, dry place atroom temperature. Usually it takes no more than 3 days to prepare a medicinal infusion under such conditions. In order to improve the body and prevent disease, the drug is consumed daily, using as a substitute for regular tea. Over time, the composition of the drink becomes more saturated, and its healing qualities are enhanced.