Ophthalmologists often hear from patients the question:“Myopia is a plus or minus?” And this is not about the advantages or disadvantages of such a pathological phenomenon. Of course, there is nothing good if a person is diagnosed with myopia. Points “plus” or “minus” should be bought in this case - this is what patients are interested in.
Myopia (the medical name for myopia) isquite common pathology of eye refraction, as a result of which the formation of images of objects occurs in front of the retina. People with such an ailment see well near, but far away - badly. Deleted objects seem blurry, blurry, unsharp. Visual acuity falls below unity.
When a person has an increased eye length,axial myopia is diagnosed. If the cornea has a significant refractive power at which a small focal length is formed, refractive myopia develops. As a rule, these two species are combined and are present simultaneously.
Types of myopia depending on how much visual acuity is reduced:
Myopia can develop at any age, butoften for the first time it is found in children seven to twelve years old. In adolescence, myopia is usually worse. Vision stabilization occurs between the ages of eighteen and forty years.
The causes of myopia are not fully understood until now. But certain risk factors have been identified, which include:
This condition is diagnosed when per yearthe degree of myopia increases by one diopter or more. The most intensive pathology progresses in schoolchildren, because during the training period they receive strong visual stress. Also at the same time, the body is actively growing, in particular, the eyes. Elongation in the anteroposterior direction of the eyeball in some cases assumes a pathological nature, which entails detachment and tearing of the retina, deterioration of the nutrition of the eye tissues, and clouding of the vitreous body.
Myopia is not recommendedwork related to lifting weights or tilting down the head with the body bent, sports requiring concussion (wrestling, jumping, boxing, and so on). Such actions can lead not only to detachment of the retina, but even to blindness.
Progressive pathology is gradually irreversiblychanges the central parts of the ocular membrane and significantly reduces visual acuity. If peripheral dystrophy of the retina is detected, leading to its detachment, laser coagulation of the eye membrane is required.
To prevent the development of myopia, you shouldPay particular attention to the lighting mode. Eye strain should only occur in good light. You should use overhead lighting and table lamps with a power of sixty - one hundred watts. Daylight lamps for writing, reading can not be used.
You also need to optimize the physical andvisual loads. Activities related to eye strain should alternate with a mobile, active rest. With myopia with a decrease in visual acuity to three diopters, physical activity, as a rule, is not limited. With moderate or severe myopia, it is forbidden to jump and lift weights. When working, involving eye strain, it is recommended that every twenty to thirty minutes to exercise gymnastics for the organs of vision. Myopia should be prevented in all school-age children.
There are several options for correcting vision.with myopia. The very first thing that needs to be done is to select glasses with the help of an ophthalmologist. Myopia is characterized by a deterioration in the vision of objects that are away, so you should use glasses with a minus sign. Also, under the supervision of a specialist, it is necessary to train the muscles, which, when overstressed, entail increased myopia. Activities include instillation of drugs, laser stimulation, special eye gymnastics, video-computer vision correction.
At least once every six months, it is necessarycarry out ophthalmological diagnostics - measure the longitudinal size of the eye with ultrasound equipment. Get ready for long work, because it’s not easy to fix myopia. It should, among other things, carry out restorative activities: massage the collar zone, go swimming, take a contrast shower. However, any actions must be coordinated with the ophthalmologist.
A huge role in the treatment of myopia is played by balanced, proper nutrition. We will talk about what vitamins are needed for the eyes with myopia, below.
We highlight several complex products that have all the vitamins necessary for the eyes with myopia.
In addition to medications, there are alsoThere are some vitamins that help restore vision. Perhaps the main one is blueberry extract. The fruits and leaves of this plant produce vascular protective and antioxidant effects, strengthen the vascular walls, thereby increasing their elasticity, reduce the fragility of capillaries, prevent the development of cataracts, and improve blood supply to the retina. Blueberry extract should be taken not only for people with myopia, but also for those who suffer from other eye diseases.
Vitamins A, B2, B12, B6, C are indispensable agents in the treatment of myopia. You need to use them all in combination - so you can stabilize, and if possible even improve visual acuity.
Now you already know that in the question of whatmyopia is a “plus” or “minus”, we are talking about a suitable sign for glasses or contact lenses with this pathology. And which of these correction tools is preferable to use? Perhaps there is no definite answer. Both one and the other have their advantages and disadvantages. But first things first.
Today it is still the mosta common method of vision correction. However, glasses to their owner cause a lot of inconvenience: they constantly fog, fall, slide, get dirty, and also interfere with sports or any other active activity. In addition, glasses do not provide absolute vision correction. They significantly limit lateral vision, violate spatial perception and stereoscopic effect, which is especially important for drivers. In the event of a fall or accident, broken glasses can cause severe injury. And if you pick them incorrectly, then you guarantee yourself the progression of myopia and eternal overwork of the eyes. And yet, despite all the shortcomings, glasses are the simplest, cheapest and safest means of improving vision.
Athletic and active people tend toprefer this particular correction option. Indeed, lenses have a number of tangible advantages over glasses. They do not interfere with physical activities and can provide even the most mobile people a normal life. Still, wearing lenses is also fraught with inconvenience. Many simply cannot get used to the fact that in their eyes there is a foreign object, and someone has allergic reactions at all. There is even an opinion that lens users can always be recognized by red eyes. But this is not so bad. Those who use this method of vision correction are at risk for infectious complications, including severe ones, which threaten a complete loss of the ability to see. It is contraindicated to wear lenses during any, even the most mild, catarrhal disease. Among other things, the installation / removal process also causes difficulties: it is quite unpleasant, but worse, at the most inopportune moment, the lens may come off.
Due to the cons consways to improve vision, many people prefer to resort to a treatment option such as eye surgery. Myopia can indeed be removed by surgical means. How? Now we will tell.
The principle of such an operation back in 1951suggested by a surgeon from Japan, Sato. Later, the technique was further elaborated in the MTC “Eye Microsurgery”. Radial keratotomy consists in changing the shape of the cornea by making a shallow incision on the periphery of the corneal “window” with the thinnest diamond knife. The result is a lens having a different (pre-calculated) refractive power. The operation does not affect the central zone, and therefore almost does not cause complications, such as, for example, a decrease in the transparency of the cornea or a shift in the optical center. In some cases, this method can even eliminate post-traumatic or congenital astigmatism. And one more plus - such correction is much cheaper than laser. The operation is effective in the case of myopia with a decrease in visual acuity from one to four to five diopters. Currently, both domestic and foreign experts recommend this surgical method to improve vision as the most effective, reliable and safe. In 85 percent of cases, radial keratotomy allows visual acuity of 0.5 diopters and higher.
It is also a safe and effective operation oneyes. Myopia is not the only pathology that can be corrected in this way, but most often it is used to eliminate myopia. The mechanism is as follows: with the help of a special tool, a microkeratome, a small valve is made in the protective layer of the cornea, and then the internal homogeneous layers of the cornea are evaporated with an excimer laser to the depth necessary to give it the necessary curvature. After that, the protective layer is returned to its place. The operation allows the correction of myopia with a decrease in visual acuity to 15 diopters, as well as reduce the rehabilitation period by several days. If myopia is very strong (more than 15 diopters), it is not recommended to use LASIK, because during the operation the cornea dangerously thins. With this degree of myopia, only implantation of an intraocular lens can help.