/ / The drug "Papazol": instructions for use, characteristics, recommendations

The drug "Papazol": instructions for use, characteristics, recommendations

Papaverine hydrochloride is a substance knowna huge number of women who were lying on the retention during pregnancy. He is well known to people with diseases of a cardiovascular nature. One of the medicines widely used in our country, which includes this substance, is the drug "Papazol". Instruction for use, proposed by the author, will allow the reader to learn about the beneficial properties of the medicine and the dangers that unauthorized use of it entails. The publication is divided into logical paragraphs and includes the main sections that are characteristic of the annotations to the medicines.

What is the drug "Papazol"?

Instruction for use informs us that,that the drug belongs to spasmolytic. He also has antihypertensive, arteriodilating effect on the body. "Papazol" is a combined medicine. It consists of two active substances in equal amounts: papaverine hydrochloride and bendazole.

Tablets are flat, cylindrical, rounded gray-white shades with a facet for division. The manufacturer packs them in blisters, and then in paper boxes with the inscription "Papazol".

Instruction for use, applied inas a mandatory element to each pack of drugs, describes in detail the properties of each component, and also contains information on the amount of substances in one tablet. Within the framework of this article, it is not possible to examine in detail the pharmacological properties and the mechanism of action on the patient's body, so we confine ourselves to a brief and generalized description given above.

Indications for the appointment of the drug "Papazol"

Instructions for use in the "Indication" section gives the following states of patients:

  • hypertension arterial labile type;
  • spasms of smooth muscles (in vessels supplying organs of the central nervous system, musculature of other organs);
  • paralysis of the nerve of the facial (peripheral);
  • consequences of poliomyelitis.

The drug can be administeredonly a doctor, as it has a number of contraindications, and if the dose is exceeded and the patient is taken incorrectly, it can cause significant harm to the patient. The doctor, when deciding on the nature and duration of therapy, takes into account all possible consequences, compares them with the expected effects, and only then makes a conclusion about the advisability of treatment with the help of the "Papazol".

Contra-indications for prescription

In the instructions to the medicine, you can see the following restrictions for taking tablets:

  • hypersensitivity (this restriction is available in almost every modern drug);
  • violation of AV conductivity;
  • bronchoobstructive syndrome;
  • epileptic seizures and addiction to them;
  • age up to three years.

Very carefully and only with constant monitoringon the part of the doctor prescribe the drug to persons suffering from liver, adrenal or renal insufficiency, a decrease in peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract, hypothyroidism, prostatic hypertrophy; TBI, as well as pregnant women and mothers during lactation.

Side effects

The negative impact of the funds can be expressed in:

  • increased sweating;
  • nausea;
  • allergies of various manifestations;
  • vomiting;
  • disturbance of stool (constipation);
  • AB blockade;
  • arrhythmias:
  • decreased myocardial contractility.

The likelihood of side effects increases with self-medication and incorrect dosages, as well as taking the drug with other medications without consulting a doctor.

Patients should be aware of the fact that "Papazol"has the property to strengthen or weaken the effect of other drugs. Even with the appointment of therapy the doctor must constantly consult about the possibility of taking any other drugs. Only compliance with precautions can provide the desired therapeutic effect.

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