No one is immune from intestinalinfections, especially children. They can’t get used to the strict observance of hygiene rules for a long time, they already interact with each other more closely, generously share toys that get germs from hands that are not washed after the toilet and the street, and from saliva when talking and sneezing. And an intestinal infection is waiting for a chance to get into a susceptible children's body. Over time, the child will learn to follow all these simple rules, and now you need to calm down and understand the important information about what intestinal infections in children - their treatment should be carried out correctly. You should also remember what you should not do, and also pay close attention to those signs that indicate that it is time to go to the hospital.
This is a disease that is manifested by diarrhea,vomiting, fever. It is caused by either a bacterium, or a virus, or protozoa, but not their toxins, unlike another disease with similar symptoms, which is called foodborne toxicoinfection.
How do you get an intestinal infection?
The main route of infection - with insufficiently washedor thermally processed food, expired products, boiled water or milk. The second way is fecal-oral, when microbes from feces get into hands or toys, and from there they are brought into the mouth of another child. Viral intestinal infection in children can be transmitted by airborne droplets, as well as microbes in the mouth that are trapped in a common dish or toy.
The volume of fluid in the vessels and tissues of the child is muchless than that of an adult. For infants, the loss of water with diarrhea in the amount of 200 ml per day (for example, 20 ml 10 times) is a huge amount that must be filled. Therefore, when intestinal infections occur in children, treatment should be carried out by replacing the lost volume of fluid. That is, a child should receive the liquid that he needs to maintain vital activity (for example, for a month-old baby it is 140 ml per kg of weight per day, and for a child weighing 10 kg - 900 ml per day), plus the one he loses. with diarrhea and vomiting. Water is added to this fluid, which is lost with breathing and then with increasing temperature.
The resulting volume must be given in the form of teas,slightly sweet compotes, solutions of “Regidron”, “Humana-electrolyte” and others. It is necessary to unsolder in the form of a solution of room temperature in a teaspoon every 5-10 minutes. If due to vomiting you can not drink a child, do not hesitate, go to the hospital to put a drip.
How to treat?
Since intestinal infections in children (their treatment depends on the type of pathogen - a virus or a bacterium) is not uncommon, you need to know what exactly could have caused them. How to do it?
but. The optimal and correct option is to pass a complete blood count and seeding of feces on the microflora, consult a doctor.
b. Make a "rota test".
at.Adenovirus infection initially manifests as ARVI with pronounced conjunctivitis. Enterovirus infection most often occurs with a punctate reddish rash on the body and red throat. Rotavirus infection also begins mainly with a cold and fever, only then diarrhea and vomiting appear. If this is not the case, if the feces have changed color and have various impurities, a bacterial infection is likely to occur.
When should I call a doctor?
1) The child's consciousness is impaired: he is lethargic, sleepy.
2) All children up to a year.
3) When the stomach hurts.
4) When in feces there is at least some hint of blood.
5) There was no urine for four hours or it is dark in color.
6) Persistent vomiting or diarrhea, when it is impossible to get a baby to drink.
7) The tongue is dry, the skin, gathered in the fold, does not immediately straighten (the skin in the area under the right edge is examined), the eyes sunk.
8) The smell of acetone comes from the baby.
Child nutrition for intestinal infection
If the baby is nursing, then you need to continue it.breastfeed, and the mother must follow a strict diet. Feed need on demand. If a child is about one year old and began to receive complementary foods, then it is advisable to give him a low-lactose mixture, tea with dry biscuit, you can use a little mashed potatoes on water without oil.
Старшим детям показаны:rice porridge, mashed potatoes on water without oil, vegetarian soups, galetny cookies. You can not eat fruits, vegetables, juices, vermicelli, meat and fish, eggs, black bread, beets, cabbage, legumes, fried, smoked and spicy foods, salads, dishes with mayonnaise, cheese, dairy products.
Recover after a bowel disease willfor a long time, therefore, it is necessary to “leave the diet” gradually, gradually including various dishes in the diet. At the same time, pickled, fried and other “unhealthy” products are introduced not earlier than in a month and a half.