/ / Preparation "Ecofemin": instruction for use

The preparation "Ecofemin": instruction for use

Every second woman in our timesuch an undesirable problem, as a violation of the balance of the vaginal microflora. More and more representatives of the fair sex complain of copious discharge, bacterial vaginosis and other troubles. To combat such problems, the preparation "Ecofemin" was created, which will be discussed in this article.

Thus, "Ecofemin" - a drug that regulates the balance of the microflora of the vagina. A remedy is available in the form of vaginal suppositories, tablets and capsules.

Preparation "Ecofemin": instructions (pharmacology and indications for use)

Living lactobacilli, which are part of thedrug, have an antagonistic effect on a wide range of opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria. To such bacteria it is possible to carry proteus, staphylococcus, enteropathogenic E. coli and others. Lactobacilli can normalize digestion, improve metabolic processes, restore natural immunity. They metabolize glycogen to lactic acid, which in turn maintains the vaginal acid balance at the proper level. Lactic acid creates the most unfavorable conditions for the life of pathogenic bacteria.

The drug "Ecofemin" (tablets or suppositories)are prescribed both for the treatment of various diseases and for their prevention. Among the indications for its use: dysbacteriosis of the gastrointestinal tract of various origin (including in children from the first days of life), diseases of the oral cavity, dysbacteriosis of the urogenital tract, inflammatory infectious and non-infectious diseases of the urogenital tract. The drug is used to prepare for routine surgical interventions in gynecology, prenatal preparation, namely, for the prevention of inflammatory diseases of the vagina.

The preparation "Ecofemin": the instruction (side effect and contraindications)

The drug "Ecofemin" is contraindicated in cases of increasedsensitivity to the agent as a whole or to its individual components and women suffering from candidiasis. Tablets are contraindicated for children. Pregnant and lactating women are appointed by the attending physician individually.

The preparation "Ecofemin": the instruction (the way of application and the dose)

The medicine contains at least 10 million live lactobacilli in one dose. One tablet or suppository contains one dose of the drug.

Oral forms are taken orally within half an hourbefore meals two or three times a day. In acute inflammation, infants are prescribed two or three doses, children older and adults - five doses per week. With relapsing and protracted forms, the doses or treatment times can be increased.

With lesions of the oral mucosa, up to six doses are prescribed by resorption or five doses two or three times a day by irrigation (solution) for two weeks.

In most cases, the drug is usedintravaginally. When inflammation of the urogenital tract take five doses (solution) or one dose (suppository) twice a day for five to ten days.

"Ecofemin" capsules can also be used in restorative therapy after antibiotic treatment - rectally.

The preparation "Ecofemin": instruction (special instructions)

Candles can be used withsimultaneous administration of antibacterial, immunomodulating and antiviral drugs. Be careful, suppositories should not have the smell of rancid butter. Packaging should not be damaged.

From pharmacies is dispensed without a prescription.

Attention!This instruction is intended for familiarization with the preparation and its properties. It should not influence the decision to use a particular medicine without the involvement of a doctor. Before using the medication, carefully read the manufacturer's annotation.

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