/ / Why do mammary glands hurt? What are the possible consequences?

Why do mammary glands hurt? What are the possible consequences?

Women are constantly thinking about whyThe mammary glands hurt. Women in the post-climax period are less likely to encounter this type of problem. As a rule, this question concerns those who have a regular menstrual cycle.

One of the reasons why the dairygland, is the approach of menstruation. Regular pain in one breast or in several is observed every month, although it may be a one-time pain. Remember that very often before the months there is a similar discomfort: swelling of the chest, which prevents sleep on the stomach, the laundry becomes tight and uncomfortable. When this happens periodically, once a month, there is no reason to worry. This phenomenon is called cyclic mastalgia. It is observed in most women. More than 80% of women suffer from this condition, which, due to changes in the hormonal background, occurs after the onset of menopause.

In order to correctly diagnosemastalgia, it is necessary to observe your own condition for several months. This is the only way to establish a connection between the approach of menstruation and pain in the chest. Also, young girls and women need to conduct an independent breast examination, preferably after the end of menstruation.

After the onset of menopause in women canmanifested, so-called, acyclic mastalgia. In this situation, there are rez and burning in the mammary gland, and the pain is irregular: it is long, then short-lived. As a rule, the reason why the mammary glands are affected in this case is mastopathy - a benign tumor. But one can not say unequivocally: consultation of a mammologist is necessary.

One possible cause of chest pain may bebecome infectious disease of the mammary glands, which leads to an unstable general condition, increased temperature, permanent migraine. There may be weakness and loss of appetite. The infected breast swells up, it hurts. There is some redness of the skin of the breast.

One of the most unpleasant, but possible causespain in the chest is the development of breast cancer. As a rule, a cancerous tumor occurs in the outer region of the chest (near the armpits). The skin in this area wrinkles, becomes uneven, and the surface - rough. In the risk zone of this disease are women who:

  • never gave birth or gave birth late;
  • are obese;
  • suffer from mastopathy;
  • have hereditary predisposition.

Summing up, you can describe the main causes of chest pain:

  1. Changes in the hormonal background before menstruation.
  2. Postponed trauma of the mammary gland with consequences.
  3. Pregnancy
  4. Lactation
  5. Infected infection
  6. Mammary cancer

"Why do mammary glands hurt?""- a question that begins to worry, as soon as such pains have appeared. To exclude the possibility of developing a tumor, it is necessary to regularly examine and palpate the breast yourself. There is a certain order of procedure:

  1. First of all, you should conduct a visual examination of the breast in front of the mirror, first lifting both hands, then lowering.
  2. Then raise one arm, and the other palpate the adjacent mammary gland with light circular motions, slowly sinking from the top down. Do the same with the other breast.
  3. In a lying position under one shoulder, place the roller and draw a suitable arm under it. Then next hand, touch the chest from the edge to the nipple.
  4. Press a little on the nipple to determine the presence of excreta.
  5. Feeling the basins of the armpits.

Remember that a separate examination is necessary for every woman, but, with the slightest alarming symptoms, you should immediately seek help from specialists!

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