/ / What are wands "Doian"?

What are wands "Doyan"?

The problem of weakening the tone of intimate muscles(widening of the vagina) for a modern woman is quite relevant. This is mainly caused by active hormonal changes in the body, namely the birth of a baby, the period of menopause and post-menopausal changes.

Diagnosing the problem is quite simple. Dial the bathroom and just lie down in it. In the event that the inside is actively receiving water, you can talk about weak muscles and an increase in the vagina.

How does the problem prevent you from living?

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The excessively extended entrance to the vagina beyonddepending on the reasons for the increase may cause some inconvenience. First of all, this problem can affect the quality of sexual life. Because of the increased vagina, sensations during sexual intercourse may be several times weaker. Because the muscles of the walls of the vagina do not squeeze the partner's partner. In addition, the wide vagina does not prevent the ingestion of various infections from the skin or the anus area.

Several types of operations have been developedvagina narrowing the entrance. However, such a surgical intervention is not available to every woman for any contraindications of a medical nature or for material reasons. Yes, and decide on this occasion for the operation under extensive anesthesia, and then recover for a month can not every representative of the fair sex.

Narrowing without surgery. Wand sticks "Doyan"

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Secret recipes of South Korea are built on the basis ofnatural healing root of the mountain of Madula mountain. Literally within half a minute this wonder-grass is capable to reduce the vagina, due to which it became known as the women's Viagra. The study of this gift of nature engaged scientists from the Health Research Center Chengyu in South Korea and came to the conclusion that the properties attributed to this grass have a place to be. The woman's vagina is surrounded by a so-called "non-self" muscle, whose work, as it were, resuscitates the substances that make up the plant. And it happens instantly.

The composition of the wand "Doyan"

Provides the action of the drug presence of pearl powder, talc, borneol, powder alum, the root of the plant itself Mount Madula. As a rule, the stick is capable of curing:
- Women's coldness, frigidity.
- Consequences of labor (widening of the uterus and the walls of the vagina).
- Unpleasant odor, discharge.
- Diseases of the appendages, inflammation, vaginitis, erosion of the cervix, pelvic peritonitis.

Contraindications for use

Do not use the wand "Doyan"virgins, pregnant women, during menstruation. If there is erosion of the cervix, side symptoms may be burn and burning. A stick for narrowing the vagina can

cause pain in the lower abdomen and in the waist region, which indicates an intensive reduction of the walls of the uterus.

Mode of application

Wash with soap and hands, intimate places. Half of the wand "Doyan" lubricate the intimate gel from the package. Insert into the vagina and gently massage for half a minute. Use twice a week.

For treatment of secretions apply twice a day for three to seven days. For hygiene, it is sufficient to perform one procedure per week. After use, wash and wipe.

If you are interested in information about suchnovelty, like wand "Doian", user reviews will help you make the right decision. In addition, manufacturers and sellers strongly recommend to consult the doctor in advance.

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