/ / Sticks for sushi. Name. Kinds. Customs

Sticks for sushi. Name. Kinds. Customs

Палочки для суши стали пользоваться популярностью in the countries of Western civilization, along with the growing sympathy for Japanese cuisine. Previously, these cutlery looked somewhat different than we used to. Now, the sticks produce a huge range of options, when looking at which the question arises: "What are the chopsticks for sushi in Japan?" After all, they are really made out in different colors, painted, lacquered and even decorated with precious stones.

Slow food in Japan

Палочки для суши – название для этого прибора, which is not native, but received in the Slavic countries. In the XII century, the rods came to the Land of the Rising Sun from China. For their production, bamboo was used, the trunk of which needed to be divided into 2 parts, and then folded across. The resulting forceps took food.

Since in Japan, eating is beautifuland unhurried ritual, this procedure requires preliminary preparation. All served meals should be prepared in such a way as to avoid additional manipulation at the table. Clearing or cutting during meals is not accepted in Japan.

Это происходит независимо от названия палочек для sushi. Fish fillet before processing is processed in such a way that in it there were no any bones left. And if there are any solid constituents in the product, then they are sure to be repulsed.

chopsticks for sushi

Chopsticks need to be able to use beautifully

Use the sticks correctly taught at allsmall children, who are held the ceremony of their first traditional meal. To do this, on the 100th day from the birth, babies are given their own sticks, which they are fed for the first time with rice.

In Japan, chopsticks for sushi (the name is "Hasi")act not only as a cutlery. They are a kind of talisman designed to bring good luck in business and extend life. This cutlery is endowed with some mystical meaning, preserves its master. Also the ability to use sticks promotes the development of fine motor skills, which improves mental abilities.

as called sticks for sushi

Individual item

Every lover of Japanese cuisine, of course,I wonder how the sticks for sushi are called in their homeland. It is all the more remarkable that in Japan many items of everyday life are divided according to the gender of the consumer. Men do not use female objects, and women do not use mens.

The wands of each Japanese are strictly individualan object that is never passed on to anyone else. Even members of the same family do not take them from each other. Khasi must be presented to the newlyweds, investing as a gift the meaning of the pair's inseparability.

Wands are mainly used in Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam. In Thailand in the XIX century in circulation were introduced cutlery from Europe, and the sticks were used only for soups and noodles.

sticks for eating sushi title

What are the wands

Hasi belongs to only one owner andare an essential attribute of Japanese cuisine. They are named the same as the corresponding hieroglyph, resembling them outwardly. Sticks for sushi (the name "Hasi") visually resemble a bamboo trunk split into two parts. To determine if the food poisoned, in the Imperial Palace of China used silver appliances. Sushi sticks, the name given to the Japanese, are now made of wood, metal, ivory. Their cross-section can be square or round, and the point is pyramidal or conical.

Sushi sticks, whose name"varibasi", are considered disposable products. The material for them is wood or plastic. They are brought to customers in restaurants and sushi bars. And if the sticks are interconnected, this indicates the novelty of the product and the high class of the institution.

Before eating, varibasi should be broken.In addition, they are usually served in a case with a picture of a beautiful pattern or logo of the institution, in which sticks for sushi are served. The name of the case is "Hasiburuko". It is sometimes expensive and exquisitely decorated, so it can become an object of collecting.

names of chopsticks for sushi

This is our sushi bar is located almost on eachstreet, and not be able to use the sticks becomes even indecent. But in fact, real sushi can cook only a Japanese chef. Now, to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Japan, you can go to a good restaurant. In principle, it is believed that you can feel the color of this amazing cuisine only in its homeland. Despite this, an increasing number of restaurants offering appropriate dishes.

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