/ / Correct glue for plywood - the key to successful repair

Correct glue for plywood - the key to successful repair

Если уж вы решились на ремонт, то нужно подойти к this process with all possible care. It would seem that the difficult in laying parquet, after all, just need to put one plate after another, a layer of plywood after layer? However, in fact it turns out that if you wrongly choose glue for plywood, then you will soon start again repair. So let's figure out what kind of glue it is.

glue for plywood
Aqueous or water-dispersive

This composition is very popular,because his couples are absolutely harmless and do not damage a person's health. In addition, this glue for parquet and plywood does not have a sharp odor, so no one really has a headache from him. Nevertheless, he also has significant shortcomings. For example, it is not suitable for such sensitive wood species as apple, pear, cherry and beech, because its use leads to deformation and wetting of parquet plates, and then to rotting wood. And here for a parquet from an oak this glue for plywood, most likely, will approach ideally! However, remember that when using this type of composition, the use of dowel-nails is mandatory. And carefully read the instructions before you directly use the glue for water-based plywood, because there is usually indicated the maximum and minimum calculated thickness of the parquet, as well as the species of wood for which it is intended. The main drawback of this method of laying parquet is the long drying of the glue.

Based on solvent

adhesive for plywood and parquet

If you need to complete the repair faster, it's betteryou stop at the composition of this type, because its complete drying begins in 5 days. In addition, if you need glue under plywood, for example, from beech, then a product based on solvents is your salvation. And the disadvantages of such glue are a sharp smell and the need to use a special primer. And be sure to observe all fire safety measures when laying parquet, because the composition is extremely flammable! In addition, it is best to choose organic solvents, because they are much safer for human health.

Reactive or two-component

Как видно из названия, этот клей для фанеры suitable for any occasion of life. It is suitable for parquet from any kind of wood, the binding is three times more durable, and you can start grinding in two days. However, they also have their own shortcomings, which hinder their wide application. The most important is that they contain components harmful to the human body and the environment.

adhesive for plywood
However, they are dangerous only until the glue hardens,so be sure to use protection when working with them. Nevertheless, in their harmlessness, not all believe, so they are usually used only when the use of another glue is ineffective. Although, perhaps today, if you understand this, it is possible to choose a two-component version, which, despite its inorganic composition, is harmless to human health, while observing all the necessary precautions.

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