/ / Chinese patches for osteochondrosis: method of use, contraindications, reviews

Chinese patches for osteochondrosis: method of use, contraindications, reviews

Many people are currently suffering from pain.in the back and joints. As a rule, the cause of this is osteochondrosis. This disease affects both the elderly and the younger generation. They fight the disease in a comprehensive manner and apply not only medicines, massage, physiotherapy, but also Chinese patches for osteochondrosis. Practice has proven their effectiveness, ease of use and the absence of side effects.

Operating principle

Chinese osteochondrosis patches imposewith the occurrence of the first pain in the joints, at the initial stage of the disease. The product begins to act immediately after contact with the skin and gradually relieves pain. Warns its appearance in the future.

When creating the patch, both nanotechnology and the secrets of ancient oriental Chinese medicine were involved. This is a combination of magnetic radiation with the healing properties of herbs.

You can forget about the illnesses of the joints,regularly applying Chinese patches for osteochondrosis. The properties of these products are most pronounced when a person passes the full therapeutic course and looks as follows:

  • quick relief from pain;
  • increased elasticity of connective tissue;
  • elimination of edema;
  • improvement of blood circulation in the problem area;
  • normalization of metabolic processes in the body;
  • saturation of diseased places with microelements and vitamins;
  • elimination of the process of inflammation;
  • prevention of the development of the disease and its recurrence.

The positive effect of these products is due tocontent of substances such as glucosamine, chondroitin, thiamine. The first restores the injured cartilage tissue. Thiamine boosts immunity, has beneficial effects on nerve cells. Chondroitin strengthens cartilage, nourishes them with moisture and other useful elements. Other components in the composition of this tool significantly increase its effectiveness.

Numerous studies have attributed the patch to the most effective and safe means that helps cure osteochondrosis.


Chinese osteochondrosis patches

Chinese osteochondrosis patches haveunique composition, which, depending on the brand may vary. They are impregnated with the fabric base of the product, which, in contact with the human body, immediately begins to act.

Impregnation may have different content, but there isnatural ingredients that are present in almost all products: pine gum, myrrhommiforum, safflower dye, medicinal dagger, ginseng root, deceptive crested hen, peristonadeceae gynura, cybothia rhizome and beeswax. All ingredients in the composition of the stickers are balanced so that the therapeutic effect of their impact was maximum. Prolonged use of such patches helps to completely get rid of osteochondrosis.

Chinese patches for osteochondrosis: types

chinese osteochondrosis patch reviews

Depending on the impregnation and structure of the product, for the treatment of osteochondrosis are divided into the following types:

  • anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • warming

Китайские пластыри от остеохондроза с An analgesic effect may contain an analgesic, a nonsteroidal drug that relieves the inflammatory process, or a magnetic strip. An analgesic patch, as a rule, contains lidocaine, which quickly relieves pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent removes inflammation, and with it, swelling, pain. Here is the active restoration of damaged tissue. The patch with a magnetic stripe quickly acts on the problem area, removes puffiness and pain.

To warming products include peppera patch containing alkaloid capsaicin. It irritates the nerve endings of the dermis, thereby increasing the blood flow to the problem area and the tissues close to it. It is characterized by distracting properties, as a result, a person perceives only a burning sensation, and not pain in the joint. In addition to this component, the product may contain belladonna extract, arnica, belladonna, hot pepper, pine rosin and liquid paraffin.

The anti-inflammatory patch not only relieves inflammation, but also restores the injured skin area. Affects the problem area with heat and magnetic field.

Chinese osteochondrosis patches: instructions

reviews of Chinese patches against osteochondrosis

The method of application of products from osteochondrosis is notdifferent complexity. Instructions Chinese patch suggests glue on thoroughly washed and dried skin. Product packaging is opened and removed from the product protective lash. Put a patch on the problem area with a sticky surface to the skin. Carefully smooth the fabric and tightly pressed.

The maximum duration of wearing a patchmakes three days, and minimum - 3-6 hours. During treatment, the plaster must be permanently on the body, therefore, after removing the old velcro, a new one is glued in its place.

Treatment of joints in this way has several nuances:

  • For back pain, two products are fixed simultaneously, one is placed in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, and the other is located in the lumbar region. This method will help to quickly relieve pain.
  • If the product is used for intervertebral hernia, then two patches are used at once, which are glued in the area of ​​pain syndrome.
  • Two products are simultaneously used with radiculitis. One is fixed on the waist, the other - on the outside of any foot.
  • For pain in the knee joints, patches are located on both sides of the knee.
  • If discomfort arose in the feet, then the adhesive is glued one by one on each leg.

Some people cut the plaster into several pieces and fix it in biologically active points. This method allows to achieve a better effect and more effective.

Обычный курс состоит из 5-6 сеансов и длится about a month. The duration of wearing the patch is described in the instructions and each brand of the product is individual. Do not use the product continuously for more than two months.

Indications for use

Chinese osteochondrosis patches contraindications

Reviews of Chinese patches against osteochondrosisnote the disappearance of pain after the first use of the product. Experts recommend their use in the treatment of diseases such as rheumatism, osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis. Chinese patches for osteochondrosis have also been used for the symptoms of sciatica, and are effective for heel spurs, corns and numbness in the limbs. Eliminate periarthritis, displacement of disc vertebrae, pain in the back, hands and feet. A positive effect on the human body when you hurt the bones, vertebral hernia, as well as anguish and stretching of muscle tissue. The patch is glued for bruises and injuries of the ankle joints. The product removes pain in the post-traumatic period and similar discomfort in the sternum area.


Несмотря на эффективное воздействие изделий на body, should be used only after consulting with a doctor Chinese patches from osteochondrosis. Contraindications described in the instructions for these products do not allow their use in the area of ​​damage to the skin, in the locations of moles and other entities. Do not use the product to children, women during pregnancy and lactation, with skin diseases and if there are problems with blood circulation. The ban is diabetes and an allergic reaction to the ingredients that make up the patch.

The use of funds practically does not causeside effects, and if they do, in the form of irritation, swelling, rash or redness. This may be an allergic reaction to the components included in the treatment of impregnation, and to the adhesive base. If such phenomena occur, then the use of the patch should be discontinued.

Popular Chinese stamps

Chinese osteochondrosis patches effectiveness

Reviews of Chinese patches against osteochondrosis allowed us to identify the most popular brands of these products:

  • "Дасецзы".The product is made according to ancient Chinese recipes. Contains herbal extracts, bee venom and scorpion, black ant powder. Helps to remove pain in the back and joints, relieves inflammation. Restores the blood supply to the injured area. The cost of one product is 150 rubles.
  • "Xinyi-03".Eliminates the pain of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. Warns the occurrence of osteochondrosis. Consists of non-woven fiber that allows air to pass through, which does not cause irritation even in people with sensitive skin. Contains extracts of medicinal plants. The price of one patch is 140 rubles.
  • "Мао Чжэн".This magnetic product was created by the joint efforts of Chinese and Korean scientists. The effect of the patch is based on the miraculous impregnation of the fabric and the regenerating properties of the magnetic field. The product not only contributes to the complete cure of osteochondrosis, but also prevents the occurrence of the disease. Packing (8 pieces) costs about 500 rubles.
  • "Tiger".It has about 17 plant components. Stimulates blood circulation. Can be applied to any part of the body. Chinese patches for osteochondrosis with a tiger are often used for diseases of the back and spine, they relieve inflammation and block pain. One product costs about 60 rubles.
  • Bang De Li.Manufactured in accordance with GMP standard. Does not contain chemical additives, and medicinal herbs in its composition have an amazing therapeutic effect. The product eliminates not only osteochondrosis, but also arthritis, arthrosis. The patch has anesthetic properties, improves blood supply to damaged tissues, removes edema. One plate costs about 90 rubles.
  • "Dog skin Hayao".The patch successfully treats all diseases of the joints. Pain relief and relieves inflammation. Removes stagnation. Cleans the body from toxins. The price of one product is 70 rubles.
  • Vikola. Убирает болевой синдром при остеохондрозе.It can be applied on any problem area of ​​the body. It warms. It normalizes blood circulation and intracranial pressure. A pack of five plates costs 600 rubles.
  • "Nanoplast Forte".The plaster is a black magnetic plate made of a fine powder of polymeric materials. The influence of infrared (thermal) radiation and magnetic field leads to acceleration of blood and lymph circulation, reduction of blood stagnation and improvement of venous outflow, reduction of edema, pain.
  • "Ho Wang Jin Gang".Stimulates blood circulation and relieves pain. Contains juniper oil, plant extracts, scorpion venom and snakes. It has warming properties. It has a wide spectrum of action. Successfully cures osteochondrosis and rheumatism.
  • "Лао Гаояо".Removes pain in diseases of the joints. Removes puffiness, inflammation, improves blood circulation. Contains about 88 medicinal herbs. Acts quickly and efficiently. There are contraindications.
  • Tourmaline patch.It is characterized by pronounced anesthetic properties. It is used in the pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Its action is based on the properties of a natural mineral - tourmaline.
  • Magnetic Infrared Adhesive.Combines ancient Chinese traditions and modern innovative technologies. Normalizes metabolism, improves blood flow in the affected area, relieves swelling, and removes pain.

The range of Chinese patches of osteochondrosis is very large, and, as a rule, all of them act effectively, successfully cure the disease and prevent the occurrence of this pathology in the future.

Impact efficiency

Chinese osteochondrosis patches

Chinese patches for osteochondrosis act simultaneously in several directions. The effectiveness of these products is expressed by:

  • in the reduction and complete elimination of pain;
  • removal and reduction of inflammatory processes;
  • relaxation of muscle tension, spasm in the affected area;
  • resorption of stagnation;
  • restoration of metabolic processes in the body;
  • improving blood circulation in the tissues;
  • cleansing the body and removing from it all unnecessary elements;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes in injured tissues;
  • nutrition of the affected areas with all necessary nutrients.

As a result of the foregoing, you can dothe conclusion that diseases of the joints will help to cure not only drugs, but also a Chinese orthopedic patch. Osteochondrosis recedes after the third application.

Where can I buy

Chinese products can both be purchased at a regular pharmacy or ordered from an online store. A course requires at least six plates.


Chinese osteochondrosis patches instruction

It is said that quickly relieves pain inChinese patch from osteochondrosis of the back, neck and limbs. Feedback from positive-minded people argue that improvements are noticeable after the first use. The patch helps to remove discomfort only in the initial stages of the disease, in a neglected state, it only slightly reduces pain. Users note the convenience of its use, claim that it acts quickly and does not leave behind sticky traces. Not used for reuse. Does not burn and does not interfere with movement. Safe. It is inexpensive. Some brands can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.

Not always can only benefitChinese plaster from osteochondrosis. Negative reviews complain about his inaction. The product did not help these people to relieve pain in osteochondrosis both after the first use and after using a full pack of the product. Some people do not like his smell, like the smell of Vishnevsky ointment. There are people who have a plaster caused irritation, itching and redness of the skin. In addition, some brands of products painfully peel off, and in the place of their removal is complete depilation of hairs.

The plaster is not a panacea for the treatment of pathologies of the joints, but for many it was useful and helped to remove the pain in osteochondrosis.

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