/ / Lishaya in humans: types and treatment

Lishaya in humans: types and treatment

К счастью, далеко не все знают, как выглядят deprived people. However, those who have ever had this disease, would never want to meet with him again. It is known that lichen is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. In addition, many mistakenly believe that this disease occurs exclusively in animals. But this is not so. After all, lichens in humans are often enough.

lichen in man

It should be specially noted that the aforementioned ailment is an infectious disease that manifests itself in the form of inflammation and scaling of the skin.

Lishaya in humans: species

Currently, there are a lot of varieties of this deviation, but the most common among them are the following:

1. Розовый лишай Жибера.This form of the disease most often occurs in the fair sex and mainly in the autumn-spring period. Often, this disease is formed due to hypothermia and seasonal immunosuppression. Such lichen appears on the skin in the form of multiple pink spots with scaling.

2. Стригущий лишай.Such lichens in humans occur on the skin due to the multiplication of viral fungi called Trichophytons. As a rule, the disease is localized on the hairy areas (on the beard, head). In this regard, there is a strong hair loss.

lichen in person photo

3. Опоясывающий лишай.This disease occurs due to the effects of the herpes virus. Lishai of this kind in humans are located in the region of the thorax and ribs. They are accompanied by a sufficiently strong itch, and after combing they occupy an ever larger area.

4. Pityriasis vulgaris. This form is especially noticeable on tanned and swarthy skin. This disease manifests itself in the form of colorless round spots of different diameters.

5. Flat red diarrhea affects not only the skin of a person, but also mucous membranes, which significantly worsens the patient's well-being.

6. Microsporia. This is a child's disease, which is very similar to ringworm (almost all signs).

Treatment depriving

Before treating a person's lichen (photossuch diseases can be seen in this article), it is necessary to establish their types. To do this, you need to consult a doctor who will make several scrapings from the affected area. After that, the doctor should prescribe an effective treatment that is similar for both children and adults (including pregnant women).

what people look like

As a rule, lichen is treated by a local route:in the foci of inflammation rub the prescribed by the doctor ointments and creams. Such drugs are sold in pharmacy chains (drugs "Apit", "Irikar" and others). In addition, from this disease use self-prepared mixtures (according to the doctor's prescription). It is worth noting that in the funds purchased at the pharmacy, there is always an instruction, which clearly indicates side effects, as well as age restrictions.

As statistics show, children are more likely to get sickdeprive, rather than adults. This fact is due to the fact that when walking on the street, they are often stroked and pick up stray dogs and cats, which are the main carriers of this infection.

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