/ / Construction of a water supply well: scheme, instruction and principle of operation

Arrangement of water supply well: scheme, instruction and principle of operation

Arrangement of a well at the summer cottage is a great alternative to central water supply. Why is this method preferred?

  • Will avoid bureaucracy.
  • Used water does not have to be paid.
  • Water quality will be high.
  • Water from the tap will flow even in case of repair of the water supply system.

Arrangement of a well at the dacha

Good water supply

The arrangement of the well has a number of advantages:

  • low cash costs for the organization of a water supply system from a well compared to drilling a sand or artesian well;
  • unified installation work;
  • no need to obtain permission from the official authorities;
  • long term use of the system.

It is better to entrust the construction of the well to a professional, since if you decide to build such a structure yourself, then in the future there may be many problems:

  • In the spring, melt water may enter the well. This happens due to improper installation of rings of concrete.
  • The inflow of low quality water due to the wrong choice of the construction site of the well.
  • Incorrectly chosen location can also lead to an imbalance of groundwater, which will rise to the surface and make nearby soil marshy, as well as sweep the foundation of the house.

Arrangement of a well

Diagram of the well water supply of a country house

After the location of the well is selected, it is necessary to decide from which components the future system will be assembled. The main elements include:

  • storage tank;
  • relay for water pressure;
  • accumulation tank;
  • water batteries;
  • pumping stations and other devices for lifting water;
  • water pipes.

Construction of the well does not require acquisitionexpensive equipment. In the role of the pump can be an outdoor model. However, the level of its efficiency depends on the distance from the well to the house. The closer the system is to the structure, the better the water will flow.

For the construction of the water system is betterresort to the use of pipes made of plastic or metal-plastic. Pipes made of steel are subject to oxidation and rusting. This will ruin the taste of water and change its color.

How to choose the materials for the well?

The construction of the dacha well requires the strengthening of its walls. Various materials are used for this purpose. The main ones include:

  • wood;
  • rings of concrete;
  • brick;
  • natural stone.

If the choice fell on wood, then it is better to givepreference to moisture resistant breeds. For example, an excellent choice would be oak or pine. At the same time the taste of water will improve. For example, when using pine logs, the water gets a pleasant taste of pine needles.

Самым экономным вариантом является обустройство wells based on rings made of concrete or brick. But if unreinforced concrete is used, the rings will begin to crumble. An expensive way is to strengthen the walls of the mine with a stone.

The arrangement of the well in the country depends on taste.the host. Often used log cabin, which is covered with a roof of boards. Such performance peculiar practicality. Log cabin can be a great element of landscape design.

Arrangement of a well at the dacha

Conducting water from the well to the house

Чтобы колодезная система водоснабжения отличалась high level of efficiency and served for a long time, you should correctly determine the location of the future well. For this purpose, a frame (vine) is used, with the help of which a geodetic analysis is carried out.

When the place is selected, you can proceed tosampling land. In such a process, as well construction, wells, as a rule, are manually pulled out. Digging up the soil is an important stage in the installation of a well. The life of the source depends on this process. The process requires some physical training.

You can use the technique.But even the most advanced excavators are not able to dig a hole deeper than 5 m. In addition, the powerful impact of the machine’s bucket provokes a breach in the density of the walls. Also, the use of an excavator requires significant investments. Therefore, more often resort to manual labor.

Well Construction

The formation of a typical model of the well takes place atconsuming concrete rings. The mine is dug to the desired depth. Then one element of reinforced concrete is dropped into it. You should first verify the quality of the rings. They should consist of a homogeneous material, have the same size, do not contain cracks. In the process of deepening you need to constantly check the size of the rings and the diameter of the mine. Verticality is maintained by means of a plumb.

Every water supply system involves the formation of a source. It can be dug at any time of the year. But we do not advise doing this in the spring, as it is possible to make a mistake with finding underground streams.

How to automate the pumping of water from the well?

If the water supply of a country house will beautomated, you do not have to constantly run to the well with buckets. For the purpose of automation, specialized equipment is used. The main component is the pump. His device has a number of design features. For example, it is equipped with a float switch and an inlet strainer. Also, the electrical device must be protected from the ingress of water into it.

Two types of pumps are commonly used:

  • With an inlet grille installed. Usually it is mounted using the suspended method, which is a good solution for the bottom, which is full of sludge.
  • With support fixed to the bottom of a closed tank.

The process of construction of the well is divided into a number of stages.Arrangement of wells with their own hands may well be held. Attracting an experienced master is required when choosing the location of the well and carrying out electrical work.

Having prepared the necessary tools and materials, as well as having read the recommendations of people knowledgeable in this matter, you can provide a country house with a water supply system.

Do-it-yourself construction of the well

What you need for the construction of the well?

  • Pump. His choice depends on the depth of the well and the volume of water supplied. The submersible deep-well model proved to be excellent.
  • Pressure switch.This electric device serves to shut off the pump after reaching a certain level of pressure. Disconnection is performed at the automated level in accordance with the selected parameters.
  • Check valve This device serves to maintain the required level of pressure in the pump and prevent water from flowing into the well.
  • A set of pipes.
  • Fasteners.
  • Corners.

How to organize water supply?

The main stages of the arrangement of the well water supply include the following:

  • Initially, you must dig a trench from the well tohome. Its depth depends on the freezing of the earth in this area. It must be at least 1 m. A hole is made at the base of the well. This work is done with a sledgehammer. Then the gap is filled with mortar.
  • Next you need to lower the flexible hose into the well.or pipe. Pre-screw it to the pump with a check valve. Depth should be like a normal water intake (depending on the area).
  • A plastic pipe and cable runs through the trench.for the pump. Typically, the cable length is 40 m. If its length is insufficient, then the missing centimeters are added by means of extension. This procedure is performed taking into account the fact that the contractor is familiar with the rules of power supply.
  • After the pipe and cable are laid,can proceed to the connection. It depends on the type and material of manufacture. Metal products are connected by welding, for plastic pipes there are other methods. The main thing - the observance of integrity. Pipes from plastic have advantage over metal analogs. When water freezes, they do not crack.
  • Then you should start the installation of pipes in the house. To this end, the foundation is undermined and a hole is made in the floor. It is better to choose an inconspicuous place.
  • After summing up the system, it is necessary to connect a relay to it. A pump cable is connected to the relay. The device settings should be carefully checked.
  • The pump cable must be connected to the network. On the pressure switch is installed valve, which is an adapter for pipes.

Water Well Equipping

Piping in the house

For efficient wiring, you must follow a number of rules:

  • At the lowest point of the system, water is installed with a tap. It is necessary to drain the water during repair and maintenance work.
  • Do not connect the toilet with a plastic pipe.Swings in water pressure can tear the pipe. Also, drops can cause damage to the joints of elements along the entire length of the system. Therefore, pipes must be connected qualitatively.

Pumping station

Pumping station has a limited immersion depth - up to 9 m.

Such a system may be different galleries:

  • With hydroaccumulator.This mechanism is equipped with a surface pump and tank. Such a system pumps water into the tank until the desired pressure occurs. When opening the valve, water will flow from the tap. The advantage of this type is that there is always a certain amount of water in the tank, which can be used even if the system fails. The disadvantages include pressure drop.
  • Automatic unit works on the sameprinciple as superficial. But the accumulation of water occurs in the tank. Opening the water puts the pump into action, and closing helps shut it off. The automated unit is equipped with a filtering system and protection against dry running. This system is not affected by pressure drops.

Installation of pumping station

To install the station you need the following devices:

  • water filter;
  • protective relay;
  • check valve;
  • pressure switch;
  • automated unit;
  • Voltage regulator.

Before installing the pump, you should choose its location and determine the distance from this place to the source of water. Also an important nuance is the depth of immersion.

Typically, pumping stations are mounted in depthhome or utility room. In case of remoteness of the house from the well, the pump is installed closer to the water source. The device must be protected from moisture and temperature extremes.

Types of sewer wells

There are several types of sewer wells:

  • Inspection. It is used to clean the system.
  • Delta. It is mounted if the difference between the pipes is higher than the allowable value.
  • Turning. It is installed on the site of pipe turns. This makes it possible to avoid blockages.
  • Cumulative. Such an airtight container is needed for the accumulation of wastewater. After it is filled, the water is pumped out by means of a pump or a vacuum truck.
  • Filtration. Why do you need such a well arrangement? Water in it are pre-treatment.

The choice of material for the sewer well

Recently, more and more often as a basis for constructionsplastic is taken. It is distinguished by a low level of frost resistance. The construction of such a sewer well is not inferior to the concrete analogue. The structure also implies the presence of a shaft tube, base and telescopic cover. Often the system includes a ring of concrete with a stove and a hatch.

Advantages of plastic construction

Системы из пластика обладают рядом преимуществ.Their base already contains holes for the release of water, which are fitted to the diameter of the sewer pipe. In reinforced concrete structures, it is necessary to measure the holes for pipes when they are gouged, which requires time and money.

Construction of a sewer well from plasticdistinguished by reliability. This design can withstand high water pressure. Iron hatches and special inlets are divided into different classes in the load. The most commonly used type is B, designed for 12.5 tons, and type D, calculated for 40 tons.

Sewer Well Construction

Plastic storage tank with a water inlet

The height of such a well should not be more than 2.5 m.The diameter of the ring should be 1 m. Since the soil is different, it is very difficult to determine the size of the well. If the volume of the well being erected is insufficient, then a second structure is erected, which is connected to the first by means of an overflow pipe.

Depth of sewer pipes

The installation of the sewer well is completedpipe laying. The depth of their laying should be 40 cm. Here it is important to observe the slope of the pipe, which should be at least 1 cm per 1 m of the route. Also, do not forget about waterproofing.

When digging a trench, don't dig too much.deep groove. It is better to leave a reserve, as the sprinkled earth can settle down, which will break the slope of the track. Tough objects should not be placed under the route, as they contribute to pipe damage.

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