/ Designing of water supply and sewerage. Design rules

Designing of water supply and sewerage. Design rules

Few will oppose residence in private ora country house. Most of the townspeople and so are trying to escape to fresh air, to rest from the noise of the megacity and the annoying neighbors behind the wall. And the owners of private houses also have the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful nature in the mornings, and this every day. But is it so good living outside the high-rise building?

One of the shortcomings is the lack ofcentralized connection to the engineering communications system. Here you have to do everything yourself, starting with the local design of water supply and sewerage.

Designing of water supply and sewerage

What you need to know when you start working

Networking involves the implementation of two options:

  • in a new building;
  • built, already operated house.

The first scheme is easier.Designing of water supply and sewerage passes at the stage of preparation of the drawing of the house. It is possible to predict the location of the water distribution points, to assume the places of technological holes in the walls and the foundation.

Water Supply Project

By equipping the water pipe in the already inhabited structure, to the realization of the conceived, it may be necessary to put more effort into it. But the task is feasible in this case too.

Stages of creating a local water supply and sewerage network

The process consists of several items of the plan, which must be fulfilled, following the order of priority:

  • start with the choice of the location of the water supply: the central water supply (if it is possible to connect to it), a built-up well or a drilled artesian well on the site;
  • after that they deal with the treatment facilities. Most often it is a septic tank or a deep bio-cleaning station.

Both of the proposed options have their advantages.

If there is a bio-cleaning station,the highest indicator of drinking water purification. Such an installation does not show excessive noise and does not emit unpleasant odors into the environment. For the installation of any type of soil, and even a high level of groundwater does not interfere with the arrangement.

Sewerage scheme

Of the drawbacks, energy dependence is noted.The operation of the unit requires a constant supply of electricity. In addition, there is such a lot of station. The septic tank will cost less, but the construction of a treatment plant requires additional arrangement of filtration fields, and for this purpose soils with certain indicators of GW, density, and salinity are suitable.

Designing of water supply and sewerage systems

Engaged in the design of water supply andsewage in the country, that is, in a house not intended for year-round living, you can choose one of the economical options: mount a storage tank or equip a cesspool.

  • Having decided the principal points, proceed to the very development of the project.
  • Having created the scheme, grab for building a well or drilling a well.
  • Having understood the previous step, mount a pump that will supply water to the house and, using the water supply project, start building the pipeline.
  • Put filters that purify the water.
  • Install the sewer according to the scheme.
  • The final and final stage of installation of the pipeline and drainage systems is a trial start-up of the system and commissioning.

Carrying out calculations related to the construction of a water supply system

The design of water supply and sewerage requires special calculations. From their correctness will depend on the coherence of the work of each of the branches of the system.

Water pressure and its value

So, when choosing equipment for water supply, inIn this case the pump, pay attention to its technical characteristics - the water pressure at the pump outlet. In order for the water supply to be carried out without loss of pressure and evenly flowing to each of the draw-off points, calculate the pressure loss index in the system when the water rises through the pipeline to the height of the second, third floor or higher. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the selection of water by neighboring consumers along the way of its transportation.

Water supply and sewerage design and installation

Installation of an internal sewage system does not require such calculations.

Arrangements for arrangement of the system

The basic rules for the design of water supply and sewerage systems include:

  1. From the toilet bowl to the riser is supposed the laying of a pipe with a diameter of 110 mm.
  2. To all other points of water extraction according to the sewerage scheme, pipes with a diameter of 50 mm are laid in the house.
  3. The sewerage stand is taken out to the roof to ensure ventilation.
  4. When designing a pipeline, do not forget thatIt is necessary to observe the optimal hijacking of the level of the pipes and the corners of the turns. Excess of the norm or insufficient level of slope can lead to the formation of clog in the pipe.
  5. Make sure that the corners of the turns are flat, do not exceed 90 degrees.

Important! If it turned out that when laying pipes the angle is too steep, then instead of one straight tap, mount two of 45 degrees.

Features of installation of drainage and water supply systems

Having developed the project and drawing up the scheme, selectingnecessary materials for the design, proceed with the installation and installation of systems. There are five main rules for the construction of water supply and sewerage. Design and installation are inseparable stages of construction. The further functioning of the entire system depends on the literacy of the first one. The main rules are:

  1. Optimum angle of inclination at the location of pipes.
  2. Start of work from a fixed point. For example, when working with an external pipeline, work starts from the entrance to the septic tank - the lowest point of the sewage system.
  3. Pipe joining features.When working with plastic products, one should not subject them to excessive stresses or mechanical stress, otherwise micro cracks may arise, which in the future will cause the pipeline to leak.
  4. When building internal networks, do not forget aboutadditional fixation of pipes to walls or other wall structures. Fastening is carried out with the help of special clamps. Do this in order to prevent their sagging.
  5. When connecting plastic pipes with different diameters, difficulties often arise. To avoid any inconvenience, it is recommended to lubricate the sealing cuff with liquid silicone.

Important!When using a silicone grease (sealant), an additional seal is formed in the place of the grouting, which gives the system even greater tightness. But if the system has to be dismantled back, the pipes treated with sealants will be difficult to separate.

Designing of water supply and sewerage SNIP

Plumbing Construction: Basic Rules

Before you start to work and implementprojects in life, do not forget to get permission from the municipal authorities to drill a well or organize the abstraction of water from a centralized branch. In SES, take a certificate for using water as a drinking water.

SNiP in the design of engineering systems

When designing water supply and sewerageSNiP is of great importance. All works are carried out according to this normative document. When installing water supply systems, the following rules apply:

  1. Picking up a place for a septic tank on the site, considertype of soil. Remember that in the presence of a clayey rock, the minimum distance of the septic tank to the water intake point should be 30 meters; with sandy soils remoteness of the settler - from 50 to 80 meters.
  2. When designing the layout of water pipes, teach the level of freezing of the soil, otherwise the water circulating in the system can freeze.
  3. When installing plastic pipes, make sure that the water pipes do not overheat. Therefore, lay the pipes close to the heating system.
  4. When installing, observe the slope of the pipes towards the central tap.
  5. At the initial point of the pipeline, it is recommended to install an additional valve regulating the supply of water. So the system can be closed in case of repair work.

Designing of water supply and sewerage design rules

Designing of water supply and sewerage,The rules of design that we have studied are labor-intensive. This is a process that does not suffer haste, and any error can adversely affect the effective operation of the system. Therefore, the water supply project, schemes, drawings and installation sketches of engineering systems are so important in the conduct of the pipeline and the water drainage system.

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