/ / Is a technical design assignment necessary?

Is it so necessary for the design specification

Technical design assignmentis a legal document that determines the order and timing of certain works, fixed by the contract between the customer and the executor. Assignment as an initial document to create something new exists in all spheres of human activity, however, it can differ in name, order of design, main content, etc. As an example, we can mention the construction project in construction and architecture, the technical task for site development, the combat mission, etc.

The term "designing" from Latin verbatimtranslated as "thrown forward", this process involves the creation of a project - a prototype of a possible or foreseeable object. Design objects can be mass. For example, an information system (Internet resource), a technical device, a structure, a management system. The technical design assignment is applied in the field of human construction activities. Today, without the given document, construction of a single residential building or a building intended for any other needs is not costly.

Almost always the development of technicaltask is assigned to the leading specialists of the organization - the customers of this project. Such a specialist can be a master of engineering, chief designer, engineer. Complex object requires joint efforts of several specialists. Before it is compiled, it is necessary to analyze the results of studies carried out in this field of activity, to make accurate calculations of material costs. In the technical task itself, the start and end dates for the works, the sources of their financing, the purpose of the object under construction, its main characteristics, a brief description of the proposed work are to be indicated. At the end, it is indicated on the basis of which information materials the document was drawn up.

Initial design specificationis issued, as a rule, by the customer. However, he does not necessarily have to understand all the intricacies of construction. In the event that in the role of the customer is not a specific person, and a certain organization, drafting of the technical task can be entrusted to its employee. Also, the developer of the object can be an outsider who performs similar services for a certain material reward.

The technical design assignment is performed bya kind of intermediary role between the customer and the executor of his work. Its development is beneficial to both parties. So, it gives an opportunity to represent the finished object figuratively, to carry out its verification on the main points, to make the necessary amendments to the project at the stage of its development. In addition, the technical assignment allows you to notice in advance mistakes and misses in the design at the stage of the development of the process, when their elimination is still possible and does not need additional costs.

The preparation of this document is beneficial in the firstturn to the customer, because it allows you to understand what he really needs, what he expects from his project. The customer has the right to require the performer to comply with all the points specified in the task and monitor their implementation at the implementation stage. The technical task for designing facilitates the work for the performer himself, it allows you to better understand the essence of the tasks, the purpose of the work, to perform them strictly in accordance with the plan, to refuse to perform additional works that were not specified in the document in advance. Properly composed technical task is not only a guarantee of success in the implementation of the project, but also allows the customer to save money, and the executor - time.

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