/ / Technical proposal: design rules, features and sample document

Technical proposal: registration rules, features and sample document

Technical proposal, sample which will be presented in the article, representsa complex of design documentation containing specified justifications (technical and economic including) the feasibility of developing documents for the product. It is developed if the relevant condition is provided for in the technical task.

Technical Proposal


When developing commercial offer the following results are taken into account:

  • Analysis of the customer's specification and various options for its possible execution.
  • Comparative evaluation of alternative solutions taking into account the operational, design features of the product.

When compiling the documentation, the results of other studies can be used.


The essence of the technical proposal is to identify the specified / additional requirements for a particular product, not specified in the technical task. This can be qualitative, technical characteristics, etc.

The basis for determining the list of activities carried out at the drafting stage technical proposal, - terms of reference. Developers determine the work, depending on the purpose and specificity of the product.

Features of the structure

Part technical proposal includes the design documentation provided by the technical requirements, in accordance with GOST 2.102-68.

When compiling electronic materials, the degree of detail of the structure and model of the product must correspond to the development stage.

commercial technical proposal

The design documentation intended for making mock-ups in accordance with GOST 2.002-72 is not included in the composition technical proposal. It is allowed to attach electronic models of possible product variants or parts thereof according to GOST 2.052-2006.

The form of providing documentation (paper / electronic) is determined by the developer in agreement with the customer, if it is not specified in the technical task. Types of materials are determined in accordance with GOST 2.102-68. AT technical proposal documents can be present in different forms.

General requirements

If you analyze any example of a technical proposal, you can see that in it the information of a small amount relating to the variants of the object being developed is usually drawn up by a table. This is one of the first requirements for the content of the documentation.

Texts of large volume, including information relating to different options, are divided into subsections and sections.

At the end of the document, a section or an application can be placed. In it, in the form of text or a table, summarized data on all options are given.

In the diagrams, drawings, images relating to different layouts can be placed on one or the same sheet.

The list of constructive elements of several variants is made out in the form of one table, in which their comparative characteristics are given, or in separate tables.

technical proposal example

General drawing

AT technical proposal there must be a diagram of the general form of the product or an electronic model equivalent to it. In this case, the drawing should contain:

  • Images of several product variants, signaturesand the text part. They are necessary for comparing models, defining requirements for objects and forming an idea of ​​the basic and layout designs, the features of interaction of elements, the principle of operation.
  • Names, designations (if any) of components for which technical characteristics and other information should be indicated or whose recordings serve to explain the images.
  • Description of the principle of action, indication of the composition, etc.
  • Dimensions and other data applied to the image.
  • Technical characteristics of the object.They are indicated, if necessary, for the convenience of comparing the options in the general drawing. In this case, in the explanatory note, the characteristics are not given, and instead of them a reference to the scheme is indicated.

technical proposal sample

Images should be executed as simply as possible.


This document includes all design materials according to the rules fixed in GOST 2.106-96, regardless of to which particular product variant they relate.

In the "Note" column, you can specify the schema to which the design document corresponds.

Materials can be presented in different forms. In the column "Note" in this case, the appropriate type of documents should be indicated.

terms of reference technical proposal

Explanatory note

It is formed in the order established in GOST 2.106-96. At the same time, certain requirements for sections should be taken into account:

  • "Introduction" - here the name, date of approval and the number of technical assignments are indicated.
  • "Purpose, scope of the product" - in thissection should contain information from the task, as well as data, supplementing and concretizing them. In particular, a brief description of the scope and conditions of use of the product, a general description of the object for which it is intended.
  • "Technical characteristics" - here indicatepower, energy or fuel consumption, productivity, efficiency and other parameters provided in the technical task, and additional parameters. In this section there are data on deviations (with justification) or compliance with requirements. In addition, here results of comparison of the basic parameters of a product with parameters of analogues (both foreign, and domestic manufacture) result or specify the reference to a card of quality and a technical level.

the essence of the technical proposal

Description, design justification

This section of the Explanatory Memorandum specifies:

  • Characteristics and justification of the expediency of bringing product variants. If necessary, an illustration or a link to electronic models is given.
  • Information on the appointment of electronic or material mock-ups (if they were manufactured).
  • Information about the program and methodology of analysis or testing, their results, data on the assessment of the compliance of mock-ups to requirements, including technical aesthetics and ergonomics.
  • Photos of models (if necessary).
  • Information on the verification of product options for patent purity, competitiveness.
  • Designations of key design documents, according to which material models were manufactured, dates and numbers of reports / protocols compiled on the basis of test results.
  • Information on the use in the development of inventions, on applications submitted for new inventions.
  • Data on the conformity of product variants with the requirements of industrial sanitation and safety.
  • Information on the order of disposal.
  • Information on the level of the product's environmental impact.

technical proposal sample


The explanatory note also contains sections:

  • "Calculations." They are necessary to confirm the reliability, the operability of the structure. In this section, the indicative figures are determined.
  • "Work using the product."This section contains information on the organization of activities at the site of operation of the product. For example, it can be data about the prospective qualifications and the number of serving employees.
  • "Expected indicators".Here are approximate calculations of economic efficiency from the introduction of this product into production. In this case, the means of information and software of automation systems are indicated, if they were used in the calculation.
  • "The level of unification and standardization." Here we give preliminary data on the unified and standard assembly units used in the development.

At the end of the Explanatory Note, additional requirements are specified.

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