/ What is an Abyssinian well? Abyssinian well drilling technology

What is an Abyssinian well? Abyssinian well drilling technology

Arrangement of autonomous water supply fora suburban area plays a big role in the normal life on it. This makes it possible not only to consume water for domestic needs, but also for normal farming: irrigation of greenhouses, vegetable gardens and other plantings.

Types of water supply in the suburban area

At the moment there are several types of water supply on the site:

- well;

- Well;

- central water supply pipe (urban water supply).

All of them have their own technical characteristics andcan not be applied at all sites. It all depends on the type of soil and the level of the location of the underground well. The most popular at the moment is the Abyssinian needle-well.

Abyssinian well

Advantages of the Abyssinian well

Abyssinian well is a well that is built on sand. It represents a small construction. On a suburban site, it can be located on a certain principle.

Important. To accommodate any well on the site, there are special rules and regulations that must be observed for safety reasons.

The easiest way to build an autonomouswater supply - Abyssinian well. Its depth does not reach 15 m, which means that both the monetary and physical costs in the process of work will be much less. The width of this construction is also small and ranges from 30-50 cm. It will be obligatory to refine it on the surface of the soil. Also in its construction use special equipment and in the future install equipment, which allows the use of the source.

Council. When choosing the construction of an Abyssinian well or well, it is worthwhile to focus on the size of the site. If it is small, it is better to give preference to the well-needle.

Abyssinian needle borehole

Water quality in the Abyssinian well

The Abyssinian well is not highquality of water, as it is built on sand. Perhaps its siltation and shedding in the wrong construction. All these shortcomings can be corrected with the help of special equipment, which is used for the arrangement of the well: filtering and pumping stations.

Rules for the construction of an Abyssinian well

So, all the home-made sources of water on the countryside should be built according to certain rules and regulations. They are registered in the SNIP.

drilling of Abyssinian wells

The well should not be close to residentialstructure. The optimal distance between these structures is 10-12 m. Also it is worth paying attention to the location near the well of the septic tank or a simple drainage pit. It should be located at a distance of 8-10 m from the water source.

Council. The well is not constructed near a garbage pit and other pollution sources, since groundwater can fill it with harmful substances that poison the body.

When it is possible to drill a well

Drilling an Abyssinian well may beIt is carried out only in the warm season and preferably in late spring or summer. In autumn and winter, such work is not recommended, as in this period a fairly large amount of precipitation falls, which can soften and moisten the soil, and the well will "float". There is also a high probability of groundwater entering it, which will significantly worsen the quality of the water in the source.

Main Characteristics of Abyssinian Wells

Drilling of Abyssinian wells can be carried out as follows:

- at a depth of 5-7 m - for household needs:

- 8-10 m - household needs;

- 10-15 m - complete water supply of the entire site.

How to determine the location for drilling an Abyssinian well

There are several ways that can help determine where the Abyssinian well will be located. This can be done with the help of people's signs or special adaptations.

So, in the hottest time you can watchbehavior of pets, especially dogs. They find a place on the site where there is practically a water source on the surface. They will certainly lie on it and will spend more time there.

You can also focus on the evaporation ofsurface of the ground, which show the source of water after a hot day. Over the place a haze will form. You can also use special devices - pendulums. They can accurately indicate the location of the underground well on a suburban site.

Council. If by all these methods it was not possible to find water on the site, then it is best to conduct exploratory drilling. You can do it yourself or with the help of specialists.

Methods of constructing an Abyssinian well

At the moment, the Abyssinian wells drilling can be done either with their hands or with the help of specialists in this field.

self-made Abyssinian well

Important. It is worth noting that professionals not only canto build a structure of this type, but also to ennoble it both inside and outside. The process of well construction includes strengthening works and the installation of special equipment for the full operation of the well.

What the well consists of on sand

It is an Abyssinian wellcomponents. They include a metal tip, which is made of hardened steel; filtering equipment, which can be external and deep; pipe, which is a strengthening part of the structure and serves to supply water. There are also auxiliary elements: rings for internal well construction, couplings, pumping equipment and so on.

Abyssinian well kit

Preparatory work at the site for the construction of the well

Once a place for digging is determinedAbyssinian well, it is necessary to conduct a number of preparatory works on the site. They include cleaning the surface of the soil from all vegetation. To do this, you need to use the shovel to remove the top layer of the soil.

Then a small depression is cut out, 30 cm in size and 50-70 cm wide. This will make it possible to drill wells normally.

Abyssinian well

The process of building an Abyssinian well

The Abyssinian well is drilled quite simply and quickly. It is due to its small depth.

For the work you will need:

- a manual drill or a self-made drilling rig;

- Buckets or other containers for discarding soil from the well;

- pipes for water source arrangement;

- special equipment for normal operation.

So, initially on the specified placea pipe is installed that has a special drill inside. He will push the soil to the surface and at the same time deepen. After such an installation works are done to a depth of 5-6 m, you can proceed to the use of a hand drill. It can already go up to 15-20 m.

Once in the process of working on the surfaceWells appeared water, you need to immediately pump it out with the help of pumping equipment and check whether this source requires a source. If not, then you need to continue to drill further to the desired level.

abyssinian well pump

After that, the Abyssinian well is refined.

The process of arranging a well for sand

The Abyssinian well is being treated with its own hands as simply as it is being drilled. It will be necessary to purchase special pipes, which can be plastic or asbestos.

Council. For the arrangement of any well, it is best to use plastic pipes that do not undergo corrosion and have a fairly long service life.

Once the hole is drilled, into ita pipe is inserted at the end of which there is a filter for the Abyssinian well. She must reach the bottom of the spring. But the filter should be at a distance from the bottom of 10-20 cm.

Important. Mount the filter in the pipe before the installation in the well.

Abyssinian well filter

Further on the walls of the structure is installed a pumpfor the Abyssinian well. But this is only if it is deep. If it is superficial, then its installation is carried out after completion of the construction of the structure.

Council. Select equipment for the normal operation of the well on sand should be carefully and based only on the technical characteristics of the source of water. The deeper, the more powerful the pump will be.

Also it is worth considering that before starting work onthe construction of an autonomous water supply on the site is best consulted by specialists in this field. The work is pretty painstaking, and one wrong move can ruin the design.

For a long life of the well on sandaffects not only the process of its construction, but all the components of the details. It is also worth taking into account the composition of the soil on the site. Specialists do not recommend making such a water source the main one on floating soils, since it can collapse under the influence of groundwater.

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