/ / Eye Massager HealthyEyes: reviews of doctors and patients, recommendations for use

Eye massager HealthyEyes: reviews of doctors and patients, recommendations for use

With the help of vision, a person perceives 85% of the wholeinformation. And, of course, no one will argue with folk wisdom, which reads: "It is better to see once than hear a hundred times". Every second person today suffers from various visual impairments. Every day we put our eyes under extreme strain: work at the computer, artificial lighting, watching TV. Not only adults, but also children complain about decreased vision.

glasses eye massagers HealthyEyes

With a significant eye strain, not onlyVision is impaired, but stresses, depression, migraines, cancer can decrease, memory decreases, blood pressure rises. Ophthalmologists offer to solve such a problem by surgery, but this is not always acceptable and sometimes not entirely successful.

To normalize the function of the organ of visionBy joint efforts of American and Chinese scientists, an innovative massager HealthyEyes was created. Reviews of doctors and patients about this device are exceptionally positive. Let's talk more about it in the article.

The history of the HealthyEyes device

In the mid-eighties of the last century on the basis ofAncient Chinese acupuncture therapy by American scientists was developed the first prototype of a massager for the eyes, thanks to which it became possible to improve eyesight by 1-2 diopters, without resorting to prompt intervention. However, the first massager had a number of flaws, so he did not get into the masses, they forgot about him for a while.

At the beginning of 2000, the international medicalsymposium, American scientists again raised the topic of long-standing development and received the support of their Chinese counterparts. So, by joint efforts modern glasses-massagers for eyes of HealthyEyes have been created. And now for several years with their help people return lost sight.

HealthyEyes reviews of doctors

Description of the device

The design of the HealthyEyes massager is created with the help ofcomputer program, so that the device is most accurately approximated in shape to the circumoral area and corresponds to the location of the acupuncture points.

There are 22 massage therapies on the HealthyEyesfinger, for the production of which high-quality silicone is used, which does not cause allergic reactions. This material gives the fingers softness and elasticity, which makes application of the device the most effective.

At the top of each finger there is a powerful magnet, consisting of an alloy of rare earth metals.

Inside the HealthyEyes, there is a micromotor that provides acupuncture with such intensity and frequency that it corresponds to one of the selected programs (nine in all).

Ease of use

Massager for eyes HealthyEyes weighs only 280gram and runs on batteries. The device can be used at home, at work, during a long trip in the car. The device has several massage programs, so that you can work around the eye with varying intensity.

Eye HealthyEyes

How does the massager work?

Imagine the skilled hands of a skilledmasseur, affecting the problem area. This is how the massager HealthyEyes acts on the eye area. Reviews of doctors and patients who apply it, confirm its effectiveness:

  • Relax eye muscles.

  • Improves blood circulation.

  • Eliminates the spasm.

  • It removes a feeling of fatigue.

  • A permanent magnetic field affects blood flow and metabolism.

Who should use the HealthyEyes massager?

Doctors recommend using this device for the following categories of people:

  • Students in educational institutions who often suffer from false myopia developing against a background of overwork.

  • Employees whose activities are associated with significant visual load: computer operator, accountant, designer, secretary, driver, teacher.

  • Persons with presbyopia (age-related pathologies of the refractive power of the eye, in which it is necessary to wear "plus" glasses).

    HealthyEyes price

Those who used the massager for the eyes of HealthyEyes, the reviews leave extremely positive:

  • vision improves;

  • headaches disappear;

  • Smoothes the skin around the eyes;

  • stresses are reduced;

  • mood and concentration improves.

Tips for using a HealthyEyes massager

In order to achieve the best results, procedures are recommended to be carried out daily: 3 times for 3-5 minutes (maximum time - 20 minutes).

Before using the HealthyEyes massage glasses, contact lenses must be removed.

Before use in the massager, you need to insert batteries, then put it on, turn it on, select the appropriate mode and set the timer.

If you are going to do exercises with a massagerHealthyEyes no more than 10-15 minutes a day, very soon notice how brighter and sharper the world around you becomes. After 2-3 weeks of regular use, the need for glasses will significantly decrease, and after 4 weeks you will completely cease to need them, and even at twilight you will see well.

Eye massager HealthyEyes reviews

When should I not use HealthyEyes massage glasses?

Reviews of doctors and patients indicate a high efficiency of the device, but in some cases the use of a massager is contraindicated. Experts say that the device can not be used when:

  • head injuries;

  • burns;

  • postoperative or inflammatory conditions of the eyes.

What is the cost of a massage eyewear for HealthyEyes?

The price of the device varies between 2000-3500 rubles.


To restore or save vision, forget aboutheadaches and good sleep will help you massager for the eyes of HealthyEyes. The doctors' testimonies attest to its quality. And this means that the device is really unique and effective. To see the world around you is a great gift, return it to yourself. With the eye massage for HealthyEyes, it's easy to do.

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