Каждый человек в своей жизни далеко не раз faced with hiccoughs. In fact, it is harmless and passes more often quickly enough. But the cause of its appearance may be absolutely different factors. Man can not control this process in any way, since it is a natural reflex of the body. Hiccups do not do any good, but there is no harm from it. What are the causes of frequent hiccups in adults and how can it be stopped?
So for the reason that caused the hiccups,You can understand what character she is. This process may be physiological or pathological. In the first case, there is nothing to fear, because hiccups are a completely normal process that occurs from time to time in all healthy people. It lasts for 5-15 minutes, does not bring much discomfort and soon passes on its own without being noticed. But the pathological hiccups can last several minutes or even several days. Diseases of a different nature - these are often the causes of frequent hiccups in adults. In this case, it is worth worrying.
The cause of frequent attacks of hiccough may bedisturbance of the nervous system. However, in the case of severe diseases, hiccups will be accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, rash and inflammation on the mucous membranes, runny nose, cough and so on. Diseases accompanied by hiccoughs are many, but the most common are measles, chicken pox, rubella, malaria, toxoplasmosis, various infectious diseases, syphilis and meningitis. What to do with hiccups in adults who have similar diseases? It is necessary to contact the specialist as soon as possible and immediately begin the course of treatment.
In adults, hiccups are a frequent occurrence that are actually easy to handle. There are several simple ways to solve this problem.
They say that you can stop the attack of hiccups justonly with sugar. It is enough to swallow a tablespoon of granulated sugar, and the hiccups will soon pass. It is not known why this method works, but it really is.
Another popular way to fight hiccupsis breath holding. The essence of this method is to compress the diaphragm with the muscles of the chest, as a result of which it will relax and stop contracting. The longer you can stay in this state, the more chances you have to stop your hiccups.
You can also stop the irritation of the diaphragm withusing water. It is necessary to drink water in small sips, while holding the nose. We'll have to do about twenty-five sips without interruption, after which the hiccup in most cases ends.
How to stop hiccups in adults?Another interesting way to deal with hiccups is to stand on your hands. Or an analogue of this method is to lie on the bed in such a way that the head is much lower than the body. The bottom line is that the head will be below the diaphragm, which will stop the hiccups.
In addition, there is a popular way to combathiccups It turns out that chamomile tea quite effectively fights with it. It is necessary to insist drink about half an hour. Everyone knows that chamomile decoction has a calming effect that will relax the whole body and stop the contraction of the diaphragm.
Sometimes it happens that after eatingHiccups begins. Why is this happening? In fact, a lot of reasons. Most often, hiccups after eating in an adult is due to stagnation of food when moving from the esophagus to the stomach. This phenomenon is in most cases absolutely harmless and does not cause any harm. But if it does not pass over time, then breathing difficulties may occur, the development of asthma. This is especially true for people who have had spinal surgery or stomach ailments. But in people who suffer from renal failure, hiccups after eating are quite common.
You can stop hiccups by swallowing something bitteror sour. For example, a slice of lemon or grapefruit. You can also drink a glass of water to get rid of hiccups. But this should be done evenly, in small sips. Another way to eliminate hiccups with water is to drink a glass of water in an inclined position. To do this, you need to stretch your arm as far as possible forward and, tilting your torso, try to drink.