Miscarriage is loss of pregnancy. Causes can be either natural (internal) or artificial (external).
During pregnancy, placental abruption occurs, which is a direct threat to the bearing child.
In today's world, women are difficult enoughto become pregnant, to bear, and then to give birth to the child in the strength, first of all, of an unfavorable ecological situation. In addition, malnutrition, heavy physical activity, smoking and alcohol also contribute to the occurrence of miscarriage.
Doctors appeal to a healthy lifestyle, because the demographic situation looks deplorable enough. Economy and social conditions also pour oil on the fire.
Many young girls at the time of pregnancy try to stop the development of the fetus on their own. How to provoke a miscarriage with folk remedies?
First, an independent provocation of a miscarriageis very dangerous for the life of a potential mother. The consequences can be most deplorable, up to depriving yourself of the opportunity to ever become a mother and a lethal outcome. Secondly, various midwives-midwives offer their services. Spells, slander and advice, how to provoke a miscarriage without health consequences, or infusions and ointments on herbs can simply not produce any result. There is an opinion that it is possible to clean the uterus by drinking an infusion of bay leaf, the packet of which must be brewed in a glass of boiling water. Grandmothers are also advised to take an infusion of Veronica officinal, mixed with violets and burdock.
But before provoking a miscarriage, resorting to the help of some witch doctor, it is worth several times to think. The best solution is to contact the doctor.
Miscarriage has several stages in its developmentor levels: the threat of miscarriage, irreversible, incomplete and complete miscarriages. Depending on the stage of development, treatment is prescribed if the woman wishes to maintain her pregnancy.
Most often, this phenomenon is observed in the firsttrimester of pregnancy. The most common cause is fetal malformation. In the second trimester, the causes of miscarriage are, in the main, maternal diseases of a different nature, as well as abdominal trauma and psychological stressful situations.
When pregnancy is planned, but there isa direct threat to the life of the mother on medical indicators, the gynecologist strongly recommends the artificial stimulation of miscarriage. For this, there are various medications.
In addition to medicines, the process of cleaning the uterus can take place independently, as well as through surgical intervention.
Surgery offers several types of cleaning of the uterus, depending on the period of pregnancy. Medications are meant to stimulate the process of contraction of the uterus and subsequent purification from the embryo.
The first sign of a miscarriage is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which can be of a sufficiently long duration (several hours or days), as well as bleeding and bleeding.
An experienced specialist will tell you howto provoke an abortion with the help of medical preparations, and also, how correctly to restore an organism after such procedure, as much as possible reducing negative influence on female bodies.
In all cases, the miscarriage looks the same. In the early stages - it is spotting, and on later - blood clots or blisters with blood vessels.
От выкидыша следует отличать замершую pregnancy. It occurs in cases where the fetal egg does not contain the fetus or the fetal heart contractions are determined in the second month of development. Symptoms are very similar, if not to say, similar.
Wishing to terminate pregnancy, it is necessary to contact a doctor. He will tell you how to arrange a miscarriage if the woman is not ready for motherhood.