/ / Cardiac neurosis (cardioneurosis): causes, symptoms and treatment

Cardiac neurosis (cardioneurosis): causes, symptoms and treatment

Patients who call themselves “cores” andhave symptoms of such a neurosis, make up a rather impressive category. Cardiac neurosis is one of the disorders of the nervous system. Such patients very often call an ambulance and visit doctors after various examinations. Such patients willingly test certain heart preparations on themselves, along with the latest innovations found in the virtual space, bringing considerable income to the "experts" of alternative doctors, and sometimes simply to charlatans. The suffering of such patients is genuine. Consider the symptoms and treatment of cardioneurosis.

cardioneurosis symptoms and treatment

Causes of pathology

In most situations in a clinic of neurosis suchkind of doctors meet with a pseudo-neurotic psycho-vegetative condition called cardiophobia syndrome. This disorder accompanies the symptoms of heart neurosis. Cardioneurosis is due to many different reasons:

  • The presence of individual characteristics of the nervous system, often inherent in the asthenic type.
  • The development of neurocirculatory dystonia.
  • The presence of arterial hypertension in a person.
  • The process of hormonal transformation into certainperiods of life, for example, against the background of pathological menopause. In this case, symptom complexes are observed in the form of autonomic neurosis, neuropsychiatric syndrome and sexual dysfunctions and sexual disorders.
  • The negative impact of industrial hazards.
  • Environmental factor and alcoholic drinks.
  • The presence of chronic infections in the form of otitis media, tonsillitis and the like.

Meanwhile, the main reasons for the formationdiseases heart neurosis is rightly considered to be traumatic situations that arise from case to case or are constantly present, and, of course, the attitude of the person to him.

how long does heart neurosis last

In what case is heartache directly related to emotions?

Cardioneurosis, or cardiac neurosis, is differenta variety of symptoms. In particular, cardialgia along with a panic attack are the most striking and common manifestations of this disease. They can often be an independent pathology, expressed in psychasthenia, neurasthenia, hysteria and obsessive states, which, incidentally, are often referred to as usual character traits. Moreover, such patients are completely different from each other. For example:

  • People who are prone to hysteria are self-centered, mannered and loud.
  • Psychasthenics, on the other hand, are very quiet and shy, they constantly feel self-doubt, and in this connection they can not even solve elementary life tasks.
  • Most complaints are made to doctorsneurotics. Everything always hurts them, and their sleep is disturbed, their nerves are shaken, and their appetite is absent. In addition, they are constantly haunted by all kinds of autonomic disorders in the form of tachycardia, sweating, decreased ability to work, and the like. They are easily excitable, in this regard, are often at the center of conflict situations. Next, find out how long the heart neurosis lasts.

Signs of neurosis and character trait

Signs of heart neurosis are most characteristicpsychasthenics, since they are dubious by nature. Moreover, very often they are tormented by a sense of their own inferiority. They are often visited by unreasonable fears along with obsessive thoughts. Such people often experience various functional disorders of various organs. In this case, the heart, of course, comes to the fore, then the head suffers, and then the digestive system.

how to distinguish neurosis from heart disease

Heart neurosis is perhaps the most commonencountered problem of such people. In the event that the patient is mainly focused on his heart, and other symptoms go to the background, they speak of cardiac neurosis. Such manifestations are also characteristic of patients with neurasthenia.

It will be useful to learn how to distinguish neurosis from heart disease.

Does the heart really hurt, or does it just seem?

Pain in the heart in the presence of neurosis can be considereda natural phenomenon. Given that patients with neurosis have a pronounced emotionality, cardialgia in such patients can often be provoked by excitement, conflict or simple expectation. Thus, everything is based on emotions, not only on negative impressions, but also on positive ones. For example, upon learning the good news, a person clutches his heart.

How are heart pains manifested in neurosis?


Pain in the heart that occurs with cardioneurosis,may be fleeting. But sometimes they last for months. Also, such sensations can appear paroxysmal and accompany panic attacks. Thus, the following symptoms are considered the main signs of heart neurosis:

  • The presence of dull, stitching and constricting pains behind the sternum, in the area of ​​the nipple, which give to the neck, arm and shoulder blade. Such pain is often accompanied by shortness of breath, which comes to suffocation.
  • The appearance of fear, anxiety, fear of death, asare usually companions of cardialgia. The ambulance called does not find any signs of heart damage, and the recorded electrocardiogram does not register any changes. True, in some situations, neurogenic cardialgia can produce a vascular reaction leading to spasms of the coronary arteries, which, in turn, threaten a disturbance in the coronary circulation process in patients with the absence of coronary heart disease as such. How does cardiac neurosis manifest, not everyone knows.
  • The appearance of panic attacks that occur suddenly andmanifesting disproportionate excitement with normal human feelings. Typically, such an excitement begins somewhere inside and very quickly covers the whole body. For the patient, this is no longer ordinary fear, but horror. Such conditions on the electrocardiogram can be recorded as sinus, and sometimes even paroxysmal tachycardia.
  • The presence of tachycardia is very characteristic of cardiacneurosis. In such patients, the frequency and rhythm of heart contractions varies depending on their mood, and in addition, on the time of day. For example, awakening is the cause of unexplained tachycardia. The appearance of the slightest excitement due to standing in a queue or due to physical activity can cause a rapid heartbeat. Some patients do live with tachycardia, since the causes that provoke them are found at every step. At the same time, healthy people do not even notice such annoying and disturbing factors.
  • The presence of extrasystole, noted in the morning and disappearing if you change the situation or something to please a person.
  • The presence of a heart rhythm disorder, i.e.arrhythmia, which is very often recorded against a background of intense emotional stress, and patients describe a similar condition as cardiac arrest and “turning”.
  • The appearance of chills, hot flashes and shortness of breath are true symptoms of cardiac neurosis, very reminiscent of sympathetic-adrenal crises.
    gymnastics with heart neurosis

What other symptoms can be observed with a neurosis?

In addition to the above clinical manifestations, additional symptoms may occur:

  • One of the types of cardioneurosis isautonomic neurosis, which is often present in the role of a symptom complex with pathological menopause, and in addition, with other hormonal disorders. In the presence of pathological menopause, autonomic neurosis is called autonomic dyshormonal cardiodystrophy. Clinically, this disease can be manifested by cutting and pressing cardialgia. Sometimes pain can be given to the arm and shoulder blade, in addition to everything else, the rhythm can increase. Such pain does not depend on physical activity, and the state of rest as such does not bring relief. In addition, Nitroglycerin also has no effect.
  • Symptoms in the form of sweating, flushing, shortness of breath,dizziness, parasympathetic crisis, tachycardia or bradycardia, trembling, hyperemia or pallor of the skin indicates some specific vegetative problems.
  • With cardiac neurosis, manifestations in the form of high blood pressure, headaches and heartaches can also be observed.
    heart neurosis drugs


With such a variety of clinical symptoms,which is sometimes present in one patient, prescribing to him something that can immediately solve any problems is not an easy task. Such patients very often go to the doctors, presenting new complaints every time, but rarely bringing the matter to the end, since they always want everything at once, and they lack the patience for complete treatment. Therapy of cardiac neurosis requires not only the appointment of drugs of various categories, but also consultations with other specialists.


Before prescribing drugs for therapycardioneurosis, it is required to find out why this particular ailment arose. This will provide an opportunity, if not to eliminate the disease, then at least reduce its negative impact. Thus, in the treatment of this disease, one must obey the generally accepted rule: it is necessary to treat, first of all, the cause.

Misconception about the disease

Treatment of cardiac neurosis is associated withdifficulties caused by misconceptions of the patient about his disease. The word psycho in most patients usually causes an inadequate response, and they completely refuse to visit a psychotherapist. In turn, the word neurosis is perceived by such patients as a severe mental disorder that must be hidden from outsiders. In order to explain the meaning of this or that alarming term and persuade the patient to visit other specialists in order to begin the required treatment, the doctors have to be very patient. But the patients, who took into account all the medical recommendations, get better before our eyes after a conversation with skilled and understanding specialists.

Symptoms and treatment of cardioneurosis are interconnected.

heart neurosis disease

How is the treatment carried out?

A specific group of medicines to treat suchproblems like cardioneurosis are difficult to name. Treatment primarily depends on the symptoms, it is very important to cope with anxiety, discomfort and psychological discomfort. As part of the treatment, the following actions are carried out:

  • The doctor has a calming, encouraging and encouraging conversation. Patiently listening and giving the patient the opportunity to speak out is best managed by a therapist, because he is specially taught this.
  • The patient is given recommendations regarding the streamlining of the daily regimen, nutrition, labor and rest. It is important to normalize relations in the family and at work.
  • Drug therapy is prescribed in accordance withwith complaints and general well-being of the patient, but usually treatment begins with mild sedative drugs of plant origin. In addition, all the attention of doctors is directed to eliminating the causes of cardiac neurosis.

Medicines for relieving an attack

In order to stop attacks of heart neurosis, patients are prescribed:

  • Treatment of heart neurosis with drugs - mild antidepressant drugs, such as Amitriptyline, Azafen, Nialamide and others.
  • Adrenergic block therapy in the presence of tachycardia or high blood pressure, for example, is prescribed such drugs as Anaprilin or Trazikor.
  • The use of light sleeping pills.
  • Carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures in the form of electrosleep, electrophoresis, coniferous and pearl baths, circular showers and so on.

Gymnastics with heart neurosis

Specialists have developed a special complex of physiotherapy exercises for this pathology.

  1. Lunges for 1-1.5 minutes, first with one foot, then the other.
  2. Deflection of the body. The leg is bent back, the upper body also bends back. Then the same thing is done with the other leg. The exercise is repeated 5-8 times on each leg.
  3. Squatting on one leg, while holding on to a chair. Repeat 2-5 times with each foot.
  4. Rotational motion of the body, first one way, then the other. Repeat 3-6 times.
  5. Imitation of boxer punches. You need to breathe in random order. Make 8-15 strokes with each hand.

In some specialized clinicsof a neuropsychiatric profile, there are special departments of neurosis, in which patients with different variations of this disease are treated. Often, patients in such departments are given the presence of panic attacks, which can often be combined with migraines or other pathologies that exhaust the patient.

alternative treatment of heart neurosis

Alternative treatment of heart neurosis

Soothing infusions and decoctions will be effective.

To make a healthy drink, you needdry raw materials - common lemon balm, pharmacy chamomile, peppermint, sage. A tablespoon of a mixture of herbs is brewed with a glass of boiling water, infused. After filtering, the drink can be consumed, you need to do this twice a day.

For the stable functioning of blood vessels and the nervous system, the following is added to the daily diet:

  • dried apricots;
  • prune;
  • Walnut.

They can be chopped with a blender, mixed with honey and consumed in a tablespoon 2 times a day - morning and evening. Therapy is necessary comprehensive.

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