/ / Medication "Emoxipin". Reviews, instruction

Medication "Emoxipin". Reviews, instruction

The drug "Emoxipin" isan antioxidant. This medicine prevents lipid peroxidation of cell membranes. It produces antihypoxic (increases the resistance of tissues to lack of oxygen), angioprotective (strengthens blood vessels) and antiaggregatory (prevents adhesion of platelets) effect.

The drug "Emoxipin", reviews of whichmostly positive, initially proposed for use in ophthalmology for the treatment of intraocular hemorrhage; retinopathy (diabetic) - non-inflammatory lesion of the eye retina caused by an increase in the sugar content in the blood; chorioretinal central dystrophy - an illness that develops as a result of brain diseases; thrombosis (formations of blood clots) of the branches and central vein of the retina; hemorrhages after injuries; myopia (myopia). However, at present, this medicine is widely used to eliminate other diseases that are accompanied by hypoxia and activation of lipid peroxidation - myocardial infarction, acute blood loss, glaucoma, and other diseases caused by poor supply of oxygen to tissues or inadequate absorption.

Emoxipin medication (patient reviewsunanimous) effectively copes with the protection of the retina of the organs of vision from exposure to high-intensity light - laser and sunburn. Also, the drug has been successfully used to recover after surgical interventions in patients suffering from glaucoma, accompanied by a detachment of choroidal (choroid).

Drops "Emoksipin". Instruction

Methods of use of the drug are as follows:

- For the eyeball (retrobulbar);

- in the space surrounding the eyeball (parabulbarno);

- under the outer shell of the eye (subconjunctival).

Retrobulbar drug is administered byhalf a milliliter of a one-percent solution once a day for ten to fifteen days. Parabulbarno or subconjunctival drug install 0.2-0.5 milliliters of a one-percent solution of 1 p. / Day for ten to thirty days.

If necessary, treatment canbe held up to three times a year. It is noted that for protective purposes during laser coagulation, the drug is installed behind the eyeball one hour before the procedure (half a milliliter of 1% solution). Next, the drug is used for another 2-10 days in the same way.

When cauterizing tumors, the drug is injected beforedestructive and limiting coagulation in the same way. It is noted that treatment with the pharmaceutical agent Emoksipin (the description of the action of which was given above) should be carried out under the control of blood clotting indicators.

In the form of a solution, the drug is administered intravenously.(drip) in the acute period of myocardial infarction (ten micrograms per kilogram of patient weight per day) for five days, after which intramuscularly one milligram per kilogram for another two weeks. As a result of the use of the drug "Emoksipin", reviews confirm that the area of ​​necrosis (tissue death) decreases and recovery processes are accelerated.

For the treatment of true eczema, the agent is injected intramuscularly twice a day (one milliliter of one percent solution). The course of treatment is at least two weeks.

It should be borne in mind that the mixture of this and other therapeutic solutions is unacceptable.

The drug "Emoxipin" (reviews of which confirm its effectiveness) can cause a burning sensation, discomfort, redness, and also cause tissue consolidation near the eyeball.

The installation of corticosteroids helps eliminate unwanted effects.

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