/ / Preparation "Linkas" (syrup): instruction

Preparation "Linkas" (syrup): instruction

"Linkas" is a drug used fortreatment of colds, coughs (dry, irritating, associated with bronchitis, asthma), sore throat, tracheitis, pharyngitis. The drug is also used to clean the upper respiratory tract before and after surgery. The main form of release is a syrup, which is poured into bottles of dark glass. The drug has a mint flavor and characteristic odor.

Medicinal product "Linkas" (syrup). Instruction: composition

The composition of the syrup includes the following activesubstances: benthonic oncosis extract, vascular adhocodes, broadleaf cords, althea officinalis, real ziphysus, licorice nude, large calgan, hyssop officinalis, fragrant violet. The auxiliary components include sucrose, citric anhydrous acid, methylparaben, glycerin, propylene glycol, propylparaben, clove oil, peppermint, deionized water.

Preparation "Linkas". Instruction: pharmacological properties

The drug has a complexaction, the effect of which is determined by the properties of the constituent components. Adhodata vascular contains a variety of essential oils, alkaloids, vitamins. These compounds have anti-inflammatory, mucolytic, expectorant action. This active substance has anti-asthmatic properties, effectively protects against bronchospasm, which is caused by the action of histamine.

In the root of licorice naked contains glycyrrhizin, glycyrizinic acid and their numerous compounds, which have strong anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic properties.

Althaea medicinal softens inflammationon the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Violet is a fragrant - antihistamine, has antipyretic, soothing, anti-inflammatory effect. It reduces the symptoms of coughing, irritation, contributes to the effective sputum discharge, its liquefaction.

Hyssop officinalis has sweatshops,expectorant, antispasmodic, antiallergic, diuretic properties. Similar effects have a large calgan. Cardia broadleaf has antiseptic, antispasmodic, analgesic properties. Pepper long contains alkaloids, has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antibacterial action. The preparation "Linkas" softens, calms the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, reduces the symptoms of coughing, promotes liquefaction, sputum discharge.

The preparation "Linkas" (syrup). Instruction: How to use, dosage

Adults should use two teaspoons two or three times during the day. For children this figure is halved. The drug is taken regardless of the diet.

Medicine "Linkas" (syrup). Instruction: side effects, contraindications

Among the possible side effects notedthe appearance of numerous allergic reactions to the components of the drug. Contraindications to the use of the drug are hypersensitivity to active substances, exudative diathesis, diabetes mellitus.

A drug "Linkas" (syrup). Instruction: special instructions, overdose

The composition of the drug includes sucrose, which must always be taken into account in patients with exudative diathesis, diabetes, with a reduced calorie diet.

The preparation "Linkas" (syrup) should be stored in rooms that arenot available for children, at temperatures up to + 20 ° C. The maximum shelf life is three years. After the expiry of this time, the use of the medicinal product is prohibited. The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.

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