/ / Prospan (syrup). Instructions

Propane (syrup). Instructions

"Prospan" is a cough syrup.It contains an extract of (dry) ivy leaves. The therapeutic efficacy of the component is proven for inflammatory airway disease. The mechanism of action is based on mukinetic, mucolytic, secretolitic, antitussive and antispasmodic properties of glycosides present in the extract.

When using the medicine "Prospan" (syrup), the instruction does not indicate a deterioration in the central regulation of respiration.

The drug is indicated for respiratory diseasesinflammatory pathways of acute and chronic course accompanied by coughing and with the formation of a difficult-to-separate, viscous secretion. "Prospan" (syrup) instruction also recommends for bronchitis (chronic, acute), especially with obstructive syndrome, with bronchial asthma.

Adults are recommended to take the drug three timesa day for five to seven milliliters. The dosage of the drug "Prospan" for children: at the age of six years - three times a day for five milliliters, up to six years - three times a day for 2.5 ml.

Contraindications for hypersensitivity drug.

To the side manifestations when using the drug "Prospan" (syrup), the instruction refers to diarrhea. It should be noted that in most cases the medicine is well tolerated.

In clinical practice, negativethe effect of the drug on the condition of the pregnant and fetus, as well as the newborn and lactating women was not revealed. However, before using "Prospan" (syrup) in these conditions, the instruction recommends that you consult with a specialist. The expediency of prescribing the drug is decided by the doctor.

The medication does not contain sugar, alcohol ordyes. To obtain the active component of the extract (dry) of ivy leaves, ethanol is used as a sorbent. This substance completely volatilizes from the active ingredient during the drying process.

Of all the medicinal forms of the drug, experts recommend a syrup for children under four years of age.

Before using the medicine, the vial should be shaken. During storage, slight turbidity and slight change in taste are possible. However, these factors do not influence the therapeutic properties of the agent.

Negative interactions of the preparation "Prospan" withother drugs have not been established in clinical practice. According to experts, the medicine can be taken simultaneously with other drugs, for example, antibiotics.

Overdose can occur when applied"Missed" in large quantities (exceeding the recommended therapeutic dosage by three or more times). There is a state of nausea, diarrhea. Apply this therapy symptomatic.

About application of a preparation "Проспан" (a syrup) responsesthere are different. Some patients note the high efficacy of the drug. Another drug did not help. It should be noted that the effectiveness of this or that drug largely depends on the characteristics of the organism and the nature of the disease. Thus, what helps one can not affect the state of others.

Before using the medicine "Prospan"it is necessary to consult with a specialist, to identify the presence or absence of contraindications (in particular, hypersensitivity). In addition, you should carefully study the instructions, familiarize yourself with possible side effects.

"Prospan" - a preparation containing naturala component that does not have chemical ingredients. This, to a greater extent, attracts patients, especially those who have small children. In addition, the dosage form - syrup - is most convenient for use in patients at a young age.

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