/ / Elevated white blood cell count

Increased white blood cell count

Leukocytes are non-colored blood cells.They are stab, monocyte, segment-nuclear, depending on the shape of the nucleus. Also distinguish granulocytes - leukocytes with characteristic granularity in the cytoplasm and agranulocytes - leukocytes without it. When researched in the laboratory, they are painted in different colors and, accordingly, differ in names and functions that perform: eosinophilic, basophilic, neutrophilic.

Leukocytes can freely leave the channelblood and actively move in the spaces between the cells. Their main function is protective. As soon as the organism undergoes any damage and foreign substances enter it, the leukocytes, as if commanded, penetrate through the walls of the capillaries (through the cells of the hosts) and quickly move to the source of the lesion. There they surround an alien element that seems to be glued to their surface, then draw it into the middle and digest. The process for the immediate capture and destruction of foreign dead particles and living (microscopic fungi, bacteria, viruses) that have entered the body is called phagocytosis, and cells that carry it out are phagocytes. If such protection is necessary, a corresponding signal is sent to the hematopoietic organs, and they quickly begin to produce an increased number of white blood cells. There is a reaction of phagocytosis. The alarm call also responds to other cells called macrophages, which were up to this point in the waiting state. They also begin to move to the damaged site. Macrophages, leukocytes and other blood cells participate in the active absorption of bacteria and pathogens. In addition, they destroy those cells of the body that are stunted as a result of illness or trauma, and thereby purify it from decaying, incapable particles. This explains the high content of leukocytes in the blood. Their border rate varies from 4,000 to 9,000 in 1 μl in different people. It must be known to determine the elevated white blood cell count or not. Oscillations within the five thousand units can occur even in the same person and depend on the time of day: after dinner, their amount increases. Calculate the norm allows a special formula that takes into account the relationship between different forms of leukocytes. However, it can also vary in the direction of decreasing or vice versa.

Elevated levels of leukocytes - more than 9000 -called leukocytosis, and reduced - less than 4000 - leukopenia. The fluctuation in their number and ratio of forms often serves as a signal for pathological processes occurring in the body. However, it is impossible to take into account only this feature and not take into account the general state of a person. Both processes can be observed in an absolutely healthy body. For example, after a bath, a hot bath, playing sports, after usual physical labor, temporary leukopenia occurs. A short-lived elevated content of leukocytes occurs after eating, after unsystematic physical work, under hypothermia. Their number can grow during pregnancy other changes in human physiology. For example, with tissue necrosis, after a heart attack, trauma, a large loss of blood, with allergies of all kinds, the high content of leukocytes is a frequent phenomenon. Thus, the body shows a protective reaction.

Clarify the reason for changing their normsan increase in normal blood test. Often an elementary routine examination reveals in people who considered themselves healthy, a blood disease at the earliest stage, which allows you to start treatment on time and to conduct it successfully.

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