/ What is a stab neutrophil?

What is a stab neutrophil?

When a blood sample is countedleukocyte formula. It is the content of the various classes of elements in a percentage. Among all leukocytes, a large proportion falls on segmented neutrophils. They make up the bulk of the blood elements. Leukocytes are divided into two main classes: agranulocytes and granulocytes. The latter are characterized by granularity. The granulocyte class, in turn, includes basophils, eosinophils and neutrophils. Each cell type has its own granularity and its own functions.

stab neutrophil

Stages of development of blood elements

Cells of granulocyte class all passcertain stages of maturation. At the very first stage, myeloblasts form. Then the cells go through several intermediate stages. In the process of further development, each element is formed into a stab neutrophil, and then a segmented neutrophil. In the blood, young cells are found only when severe pathologies occur.

What are the differences between segmented and stab neutrophils?

The main difference is the shape of the cell nucleus.At the first it is divided by special constrictions into 2 or 4 segments. The stab neutrophil has an even, in the form of a bent rod, nucleus. The cytoplasm in cells has a pink color. Present in the elements and brown fine granularity. On the basis of infectious lesions, it acquires a blue color and becomes larger. This manifestation indicates the presence of an inflammatory process.

an increase in stab neutrophils

Element Functions

The stab neutrophil provides protection frompenetration of foreign particles, bacteria, fungi, viruses. Cells also have phagocytic activity. In the granules of the stab neutrophil, there is myeloperoxidase, a specific enzyme. It increases the activity of antibacterial agents. Neutrophils are able to move into inflammatory foci.

Leukocyte formula. Ratio of components

Concentration in which are present in the bloodcells, corresponds to the age norm. For example, a child under five years of neutrophils is about 30%. Children have the most leukocytes in the blood. The content of neutrophils in an adult varies between 1-6%. Increased concentrations may indicate the development of various pathologies. An increase in stab neutrophils is called neutrophilia. As a rule, this condition accompanies a general increase in the concentration of leukocytes. These changes in the formula are typical for infarction and shock conditions, various kinds of poisoning.

stab neutrophils absent
In particular, violations ofmyelocytic leukemia of chronic course. Due to the fact that the stab neutrophil begins to predominate, and the segmented neutrophil begins to prevail, the risk of secondary infections increases. With a decrease in the concentration of blood cells, there is a development of viral and chronic lesions. This often happens after receiving cytostatics, radiation therapy or on the basis of blood diseases. When the stab neutrophils are absent in the required concentration, this condition is called neutropenia.

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