/ / Plant phytolac: care and cultivation

Plant phytolac: care and cultivation

Растение фитолака американская в народе called "lakonos". It belongs to the perennial representatives of the flora and is valued for medicinal and decorative properties. The historical homeland of the Lakonos is the southern belts of North America. The phytolac plant is a good honey plant. In height, it grows to 1.5 m. With proper care, the lakonos can grow into lush bushes with a large number of inflorescences. The plant has a beautiful appearance during flowering and fruiting.

Phytolac plant


Despite the fact that the pacific is southernorigin, he is well in a temperate climate. This representative of the flora gives a lot of medicinal raw materials. Lakonos is a rather unpretentious plant that is characterized by frost resistance and drought resistance. It is best to grow it on the shaded and sunny areas. The plant prefers well drained moist soils, but generally it is not exacting to soils. Although this representative of the flora and is well experienced by the drought, but watering it should be abundant. An orientation for the onset of watering time is the drying of the substrate.

Plant phytolac can do without fertilizing,However, it is desirable to periodically add mineral fertilizers (not more often than once a month). Organics (humus, compost), the lakonos are fertilized during planting, and then in the spring and autumn period. This provides a better development of the plant. The terrestrial part of the lakonos is cut in autumn. To protect this representative of the flora in case of a too cold and snowless winter, planting should be covered with lapnik, fallen leaves or peat. The phytolac plant tolerates winter well, but with very severe frost in the absence of snow its roots can freeze.

Phytolac plant photo


Certain plant species in somecountries are grown as food crops and used in cooking. But in food you can eat only bacon lakonos. Other varieties are not suitable for this, since all their parts are poisonous and can cause diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions and even death. This representative of the flora with caution should be grown for people who have small children. The Lakonos is very beautiful, which in itself already attracts their attention. This is a phytolac plant. Photos of its flowers and fruits are present in this article.

Phytolac flower


This representative of the flora can be propagatedseeds and rhizomes. Both methods are quite effective. Seeds are sown in spring in prepared containers. Before this, they must be soaked in warm water for 24 hours, and then wrapped in a damp cloth and held for three days. At the stage of three leaves the seedlings can be dived into separate peat pots. Landing in the open ground is carried out in May. In the soil, organic fertilizers must first be introduced. In autumn seeds can be sown in open ground on ridges. Landing is well mulched. In spring, plants need to be planted in separate places. The phytolac flower grows very much, so the distance between the plants should be at least 80 cm. The division of rhizomes of the lakonos is propagated in spring. The roots are immediately planted in a permanent place and well watered.

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