/ / The drug "Lidase". Instructions for use

The drug "Lidase". Instructions for use

The drug "Lidase" (suppositories, injections) promotesimprovement of mobility of joints, softening of scars, resorption of hematomas, reduction and elimination of contractures (functional disorders). The agent is often prescribed for adhesions in gynecology. The drug is most effective at the initial stages of development of pathologies.

The drug is available in the form of suppositories and powder lyophilized (dried by special technology).

The medicine "Lidase". Indications

The drug is recommended for ankylosingspondyloarthritis, functional articular disorders (in the initial stage of Dupuytren's contracture, including). The agent is prescribed for hematomas, cicatricial skin changes of different nature, with scleroderma, ulcers that do not heal for a long time.

Lidase preparation instructions for userecommends the use in ophthalmic practice, with rheumatoid arthritis, lesions in peripheral nerves and traumatic nerve plexuses, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Dosing regimen

The drug "Lidase" is administered intramuscularly, underscar tissue changes, using mucosal applications (in ophthalmic practice), using electrophoresis. In ophthalmology, also practiced subconjunctival and retrobulbar (for the eyeball) introduction.

With scars of different nature, contractures,ankylosing spondylitis, subcutaneous injection is performed in the area adjacent to the lesion or cicatricial alteration. Dosage is one milliliter. Injection "Lidase" instructions for use recommends to exercise every other day or every day. The therapeutic course includes six to fifteen (and more) pricks.

With traumatic plexitis, disorders inperipheral nerves subcutaneous injection is carried out every other day. The dosage is 64 units in novocain solution. The treatment course is twelve to fifteen injections. If necessary, repeat therapy.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is performed using electrophoresis. The duration of the procedure is from twenty to thirty minutes. The therapeutic course includes ten to fifteen sessions.

For the formation of thinner scars onaffected areas of the cornea or in keratitis, the drug in the form of 0.1% solution is buried in the problem eye. Treatment in this case is carried out in combination with the use of sulfonamides, antibiotics.

With retinopathy, the administration is performed subcutaneously in the temple.

The scheme of application of suppositories is determined by the attending physician.

Side effects

As practice shows, the medicine is transferred well enough. To negative reactions when using the "Lidase" means the instructions for use refer to allergies in the form of skin manifestations.


No medicine is prescribed for malignant neoplasms.

special instructions

In overdose, the development of allergicmanifestations on the skin and other negative phenomena associated with the use of the drug "Lidase", the instructions for use recommend contacting the doctor immediately.

Medication is used to accelerate and enhanceabsorption of various drugs (muscle relaxants, isotonic solutions, local anesthetics and others) in the implementation of subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of the latter.

The drug is not intended for use in the presence of fresh hemorrhages.

The medicine "Lidase" must be stored in a place protected from sunlight, at a temperature not more than fifteen degrees, away from children.

To the synonyms of the drug include such medications as "Vidaza", Spredin "," Gilaza "and others.

Before using the drug "Lidase" you need to study the annotation carefully.

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