/ / Asparkam: reviews of doctors and patients, instructions for use, analogues

"Asparks": reviews of doctors and patients, instructions for use, analogues

В данной статье рассмотрим к препарату «Аспаркам» price, reviews and detailed instructions. It is one of the main drugs that provide the intake and assimilation of magnesium and potassium in the body. Microelements in the preparation are presented in a form that is assimilated by almost one hundred percent. "Asparks" does not belong to the category of hormonal drugs. It positively affects the cardiovascular system, as well as muscle tissue, which causes its popularity among athletes.

price reviews

Reviews about the "Asparkam" are in abundance.

Composition and properties

Препарат производится в двух формах:tablets and solution for injection. Tablets have a specific odor, they are white in color and have a smooth surface. Produced in packages of 50 pieces. The tablet contains 0.175 g of magnesium and potassium, as well as a number of auxiliary substances, for example, talc, corn starch, polysorbate and calcium stearate.

The solution has a white or yellowish color.Produced in ampoules of 5 or 10 ml. Active components of the drug are anhydrous aspartate of magnesium and potassium, also in the solution there is an auxiliary component in the form of sorbitol and purified water.

Как было сказано выше, «Аспаркам» является a reliable source of magnesium and potassium. It provides recovery and support of electrolyte balance in the body. Magnesium takes part in many enzyme reactions, and also helps potassium to penetrate into the cells. Potassium prevents arrhythmia and maintains the normal functioning of the heart and other organs of the cardiovascular system.

After taking active components of Asparkamabsorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Remains of residual substances through the kidneys. The maximum level of concentration of active substances is achieved after 1-2 hours after taking the drug.

asparks instructions price reviews analogues

Asparkam reviews are mostly positive.


The drug is prescribed as an additional drug in the treatment of such conditions and diseases as:

  1. Disrupted heart rhythm, manifested in the form oftachycardia of paroxysmal type, extrasystole of atrial or ventricular type. The causes of these conditions can be an overdose of cardiac glycosides, myocardial infarction, etc.
  2. Intoxication of digitalis type, caused by intolerance or poisoning with drugs related to cardiac glycosides.
  3. Insufficiency of the heart.
  4. Rehabilitation period after a heart attack.
  5. Ischemic heart disease.

Применяется «Аспаркам» и в качестве independent drug. In this case, it is prescribed for hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia of various genesis. With a deficiency of potassium and magnesium, the drug is prescribed to restore the concentration of ions of these elements in the blood.

"Asparks" is used to restore the level of magnesium and potassium after frequent vomiting and diarrhea, taking diuretics, laxative drugs and glucocorticosteroids.

Reviews on the use of "Asparkam" consider below.


You can not take medication in the following conditions:

  1. An excess of magnesium and potassium in the body.
  2. Acute metabolic acidosis.
  3. Cardiogenic shock when systolic pressure is above 90 mm.
  4. Atrioventricular blockade of the second and third degree.
  5. Myasthenia in severe form.
  6. Hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug.
  7. Renal failure in acute and chronic forms.
  8. Anuria and oliguria.
  9. Hypocorticoidism.
  10. Hemolysis.
  11. Dehydration.

During pregnancy or breastfeeding"Aspark" appointed with caution. The same applies to patients with urolithiasis diathesis, which is caused by impaired phosphate metabolism, hypophosphatemia, etc. In childhood, the drug is also not recommended. Caution should be taken when it is prone to swelling.

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"Asparkam" in the form of tablets should be taken orally after a meal. The standard dosage for an adult is 1-2 tablets three times a day. Pediatric dosage is selected by the doctor individually.

The duration of the reception depends on the naturediseases and is chosen by the doctor individually. The average course is up to 10 days. If taking pills is not appropriate, intravenous injection of the solution is prescribed. Fluid should be injected slowly.

When administered intravenously, the solution "Asparkam" diluted in 100-200 ml. saline solution. The average infusion rate is 25 drops per minute.

For children, the drug is prescribed only in casesemergency with potassium deficiency in the blood. This condition is very dangerous for a growing organism, since potassium must be present in all cells of the body. This element ensures the normal functioning of all organs and tissues. When hypokalemia can occur violations of the cardiovascular system, as well as convulsive syndrome.

Side effects

According to the reviews to "Asparkam", with its reception it is possibledevelopment of undesirable reactions. If you identify these symptoms should stop taking and contact your doctor. This measure will avoid complications.

asparkam or panangin which is better reviews

Symptoms of adverse reactions to Aspark are the following symptoms:

  1. Feeling weak and dizzy.
  2. Muscle weakness.
  3. Itching and allergic reactions.
  4. Frequent vomiting.
  5. Diarrhea.
  6. Dryness in the mouth.
  7. Flatulence.
  8. Hypotension.
  9. Increased sweating.
  10. Thrombosis of the veins.
  11. Impaired respiratory function.

Price, reviews and analogues of "Asparkam" interest many. Consider this further.

special instructions

Possible overdose of the drug.It manifests itself as hypermagnesemia and hyperkalemia, accompanied by facial flushing, severe thirst, impaired motor functions, hypotension, arrhythmia, convulsive syndrome, and depressed respiration.

If these symptoms appear, you should contact a specialist, having canceled the drug intake.

With long-term reception of Asparkam, it is necessary to regularly monitor the level of magnesium and potassium in the blood. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the ECG and electrolyte hemostasis.

The following should be considered:

  1. The safety of taking the drug in children is not proven.
  2. Asparkam slows down the absorption of substances such as sodium fluoride, tetracycline and iron salts. Between intakes of these substances and drugs with magnesium and potassium should take a break of at least three hours.
  3. Suppression of intestinal peristalsis is possible while taking Asparkam with ACE inhibitors, potassium-sparing diuretics, cycloposporin and beta-blockers.

Interaction with other drugs

"Asparks" are allowed to take in thecombination therapy with other drugs. But caution should be exercised, since the ions of potassium and magnesium are not compatible with all medicines. Failure to follow the rules and sequence of taking certain medications may cause side effects.

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When appointing Asparkam, the following rules should be kept in mind:

  1. The drug is well combined with medicines, which include strophanthin and foxglove.
  2. When combined with anesthetics, depression of the central nervous system is possible.
  3. When taking diuretic drugs with potassium-sparing components, "Asparkam" is not required.
  4. "Cyclosporin" is incompatible with the drug, as it contains potassium-sparing substances.
  5. When taken simultaneously with antibiotics, the effect of the latter is reduced.

Reviews about "Asparkame"

The vast majority of reviews are positive.This is due to the rapid and well-pronounced effect of taking the drug. The condition of people taking it is noticeably improving, the heart’s work returns to normal, convulsive syndrome and other signs of magnesium and potassium deficiency are eliminated.

Positive comments on the admission of "Asparkam"patients who were prescribed the drug as part of complex therapy for heart failure. In case of heart failure, ischemia and other complex pathologies, after taking the drug, patients noted a noticeable improvement in their general health, increased efficiency and endurance, and signs of rapid heartbeat and heart failure were eliminated.

Separate attention deserve feedback aboutthe combination of "Asparkam" and "Diakarbe" in the appointment of children. Usually, such appointments are made to children up to a year with neurological pathologies. In this combination, drugs are prescribed for intracranial pressure, brain injuries, hydrocephalus, glaucoma, etc. Many parents say that the child after taking the drugs quickly calms down and falls asleep.

asparkam price reviews analogues

A little later, consider other reviews and price.


The instruction to "Asparkam" does not describe analogues. But there are a number of similar drugs, among them the most popular:

  1. "Ritmokard". The active component is propafenone.
  2. "Cardioarginine". The active substance is magnesium asparaginate.
  3. Mexarithm. Contains mexiletine hydrochloride.
  4. "Multak." The active substance is dronedarone.
  5. "Propanorm" with the active ingredient propafenone.
  6. "Panangin". Also common analogue of "Asparkam" with the active component in the form of potassium and magnesium asparagine.

The last drug enjoys the greatestpopular. This is confirmed by the reviews. "Panangin" and "Asparkam" are drugs similar in composition and properties. Some doctors suggest that Panangin is a more potent drug. However, special studies of both drugs did not show similar results. They can be considered equally effective from a clinical point of view.

What is better "Aspark" or "Panangin" (according to reviewsDoctors)? The difference between them lies in the cost, as the "Panangin" is an imported drug and is more expensive than the domestic "Aspark". Therefore, the choice between these drugs should be made on the basis of personal preferences and financial capabilities.

panangin or asparkam reviews

Cost of preparation

Asparks are inexpensive.On average, its price varies from 40 to 80 rubles. It depends on the region and the pharmacy network. So, we have reviewed the instructions for use, price and reviews for the Asparks tool.

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