/ / Hygroma treatment with folk remedies

Hygroma treatment with folk remedies

Hygroma is a benign cyst,which is formed in the tissues of the human body and is a congestion of serous fluid with mucus additives. Mostly it appears on the back of the wrist or the outside of the foot. Most often it is a professional disease, for example, musicians, knitters, etc.

The emergence of hygroma is caused by injuries,bruises, overloads or prolonged physical impact on any area. In some cases, this disease occurs due to the physiological weakness of the tissues. It manifests itself under pressure, causing aching pain and tension. This forms a mobile tumor, which has a rounded shape, the size of which can vary from 5 mm to 5 cm Sometimes purulent inflammatory processes are possible. There is a one-chamber and multi-chamber hygroma. The second can spread to other tissues in neighboring areas.

To clarify the diagnosis, a liquid is usually takenwith the help of a puncture. Sometimes this technique is enough to make the hygroma disappear. Treatment of this disease, however, often requires surgery. The most painful and unacceptable way to get rid of a hygroma is crushing. In this case, the fluid is squeezed into the joint cavity and it spreads through the tissues as a result of rupture of the tumor envelope. Because of this, an inflammatory process may occur, and at best, a relapse occurs, when the membrane will heal and re-fill with fluid. One of the most common manifestations of the disease is the hygroma of the hand. Treatment of this type of puncture is not always effective because of the frequent occurrence of relapses, since the envelope with time is again filled with a painful fluid. Also, treatment with ultraviolet irradiation and paraffin applications is not always successful.

In order to avoid relapses the mostThe optimal method of treatment is surgical intervention. The removal operation should be performed under local anesthesia for 20-30 minutes. After the operation, the seams can be removed not earlier than a week later. Also the hygroma of the wrist is common. Treatment of it is a complex process, and in some complex cases, the operation is performed under general anesthesia.

With the diagnosis of hygroma, laser treatment is the most painless and effective. When using this method, there are practically no traces left after the operation.

Folk remedies can also help withhygroma disease. Treatment is often performed with various compresses. Most often an alcohol compress or a compress made from a lilac broth is used. It is also possible to apply a bitter wormwood to the tumor, which must be crushed and add to it 70% alcohol solution. Used for treatment and a leaf of cabbage, which must be smeared with honey and applied to the tumor. It is recommended to use juice from cabbage in the morning and in the evening for one month. All the compresses are wrapped in a warm kerchief or scarf.

With gigroma in the elbow joint should be steamedhand in hot water for half an hour, then lubricate the affected area with honey and put on it parchment paper. After that, you need to warm this place with a warm kerchief. This procedure should be performed daily until complete recovery.

There is another folk method with thisdisease as a hygroma, treatment involves the use of ficuses. To do this, 6 sheets of this plant are cut, poured with purified kerosene (half liter) and left in a dark place for 10 days. Then this tincture must be filtered. A gauze bandage moistened with sunflower oil is applied to the tumor. It is applied linen napkin, which is impregnated with a tincture of ficus leaves. This compress is used for 20 minutes 3-4 times a day.

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