/ / Ointment "Biopin": instructions for use. "Biopin": a description of the drug, indications

Ointment "Biopin": instructions for use. "Biopin": a description of the drug, indications

For treatment of various lesions of the skinvery often used antiseptics. These are antiseptic drugs that prevent decomposition processes or delay changes in blood that have already begun.

instructions for use biopin

Such funds are available in completely differentforms. The most common is the biopin ointment. The use of this drug will be described in detail below. You will also learn about the properties of this drug, its indications for use and side effects.

Description, composition, packaging of local drug

What is a tool like "Biopin" (ointment)? The instruction informs that this medicine is intended for topical use. It can be 5%, 10% and 20%.

This cream has a light or dark yellow color, as well as a faint aroma of beeswax and pine resin wax.

The active ingredient in this product is pine resin. Also in the composition of the ointment are melted edible fat (pork), beeswax and refined olive oil.

On sale ointment "Biopin", reviews of which are described below, comes in cans of polypropylene and aluminum tubes.

Pharmacology of medicinal ointment

What properties are inherent in this drug?What does the instruction manual say about this? "Biopin" is an antiseptic drug. It exhibits immunomodulatory, antimicrobial, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects.

This medicine is highly effective against gram-positive flora and gram-negative microorganisms. It is also moderately active against various fungi.

ointment biopin application

Features of the drug (ointment)

Instructions for use ("Biopin" mustprescribe only the doctor) reports that the agent in question has a direct effect on the reduction and oxidation processes, and also activates low-molecular elements of the antioxidant system of cells. It increases the phagocytic number and phagocytic index. In addition, this drug enhances the activity of neutrophilic leukocytes and helps to increase the production of tumor necrosis factor.

We can not say that the ointment "Biopin"the use of which is shown in skin lesions, has an inhibitory effect on the amount of the primary products of lipid peroxidation of dialdehyde (malonic) and conjugates (diene).

Indications local ointment

When should I use the drug "Biopin"? The use of this tool depends on its concentration.

5% ointment is prescribed for:

  • eczema, trophic ulcers with moderate exudation, bedsores;
  • burns of all degrees, ichthyosis, atopic dermatitis;
  • non-healing post-traumatic wounds without purulent process, keratoderma, herpes, cracks in the palms and feet.
    biopin application

10% ointment is recommended for:

  • psoriasis, postoperative and post-traumatic wounds, herpes;
  • inflammatory skin diseases, allergic dermatitis;
  • limited neurodermatitis, seborrhea, acne, ringworm.

20% is required for:

  • neuralgia, osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis;
  • myalgia, arthritis, arthralgia;
  • myositis, polyarthritis, tunnel neuropathy;
  • spondylitis, arthrosis, psoriatic arthritis.

Contraindications of local remedies

Instructions for use ("Biopin" is a universal remedy) states that there are practically no contraindications for this drug. It can not be used only with hypersensitivity.

Instructions for use

"Biopin" should be used until the persistent disappearance of all symptoms of inflammation.

Before applying the medicinal ointment is requiredremove the entire wound derivative and then rinse the skin well. For a better therapeutic result, the drug should be applied to a gauze napkin (sterile), which is subsequently required to impose on the affected area.

biopin ointment instruction

Change of these dressings carried out every day or every other day, depending on the degree of contamination of the wound.

The dosage of ointment depends on the size of the affected areas and is about 2-5 g (calculated on the surface of the skin 5 to 5 cm).

With good tolerability and extensive wounds, it is permissible to use a larger amount of cream.

После того как повязка будет снята, вокруг раны a small amount of wax may remain, which acts as a kind of protection of healthy areas of the skin from the damaging effects of wound (extremely important in the treatment of post-traumatic wounds, extensive trophic ulcers and intestinal fistulas).

Adverse events after application of the drug

Side effects of this drug almost noIt has. Only in some cases, after applying the ointment, patients may experience local reactions such as redness, itching and burning. As a rule, such effects appear if the drug was used in case of hypersensitivity of the patient to his substances.

Product reviews (consumers and doctors)

Все, кто когда-либо использовал мазь «Биопин», they leave only positive reviews about her. Consumers say with confidence that this is the best and safest antiseptic. Its use contributes not only to the disinfection of the damaged surface of the skin, but also to the rapid healing of wounds, cracks, etc.

ointment biopin reviews

Also the advantages of this drug include its availability, relative deshivin and ease of use.

As for doctors, they hold the same opinion.

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