/ / Lamisil - instructions for use, for maintaining health

Lamisil - instructions for use, for maintaining health

Today there is a huge amountantifungal drugs, but one of the best is "Lamisil, Cream", the instruction for its use contains all the necessary information about this medicine.

Let us consider in more detail the characteristics of this medication.

Problems causing use of this drug

Very effective drug "Lamizil", the instruction of which is in the package insert, should be used for the following symptoms:

- multi-colored lichen of various origin, formed on the skin;

- Yeast infections inside the body or on the surface of the skin;

- the presence of dermatophytes in the body (damage to smooth skin).

But to obtain a positive result during treatment with this drug, it is necessary to observe the dosage, which is given below.

Dosage: follow the

Lamisil, whose instruction is practically notrequires some special dosage, it should be applied once a day. Depending on your physical condition (spray or ointment), this preparation should be spread or sprayed on the damaged area, in order to achieve a thorough moistening of the damaged area.

Depending on the location of the fungus, the duration of the therapeutic course should be:

- if there is a dermatomycosis of the legs or trunk - is one week;

- Dermatomycosis stop is treated within one week. It is enough to use only once a day;

- if you have a multicolored lichen, it is necessary to smear the damaged area of ​​the body twice a day for one week;

- if this problem occurs in the groin area, use once a day for a week.

So, as any drug contains contraindications, it is worth mentioning about them.

Contraindications for use

This medication can not be used in the following cases:

- at the age of the child less than two years;

- with an allergic reaction to terbinafine or any other component of the drug;

- with hepatic or renal insufficiency (for this case there are separate indications);

- when feeding an infant (in no case should you allow the medication to enter breast milk, from which the active substance lamizil can go into the child's body.

With a possible overdose

During the entire period of use of this drugthere were no complaints, but there were times when a person used lamizil orally. In this case, the following states can be observed:

- nausea;

- pain in the abdomen;

- headache;

- vomiting.

In such cases, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and take activated charcoal.

The side effect may arise due to the composition of the drug, so you should carefully read the instructions attached to the drug.

Lamisil: formulation

One of the main active ingredients of this drug is terbinafine. In addition, in its composition lamizil has the following excipients:

- anhydrous silicon dioxide colloidal;

- methylhydroxypropylcellulose;

- sodium glycolate;

- magnesium stearate;

- microcrystalline cellulose.

Due to the fact that lamizil, the instruction of which is contained on many Internet resources, shows high results in a short period, doctors almost always prescribe it.

In conclusion, I would like to say that anythe fungus is curable. The most important thing is to detect the problem in time, contact a specialist in these diseases in a timely manner and start using lamisil. The instruction of this drug is fully contained in this article.

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