If suddenly one fine morning you wondered why the nipples swelled, then you know - there may be several reasons for this phenomenon. Very often it's ... pregnancy.
As statistics show, a girl does not immediately find out about the appearance of pregnancy, often it happens purely by chance, for example, during an ultrasound scan.
But you can learn about the possible conception and withoutparticipation of special equipment and assistance specialists. The girl simply needs to pay attention to the recently emerged features of her body and body, her feelings. There are certain signs, which are usually determined by the onset of pregnancy.
The most important sign is, of course, the absence of menstruation.
The second most important sign of the offensivepregnancy is a swelling of the chest. This happens usually from the first two weeks after fertilization. The chest during this period becomes more sensitive and reacts to every touch. It may increase somewhat in size. Nipples also get a darker color. So, if your nipples swell, do not worry. Enlarged nipples during pregnancy are normal.
During early pregnancy from a breastcolostrum may leave. Many girls are frightened of this. In fact, there is nothing terrible. The body is just trying to restructure to safely feed the future baby.
If pregnancy is really present, thenthe expectant mother should take care of her breast. Specialists recommend taking a contrast shower, doing certain baths, the very chest should be cleaned without a pressure towel. Do not worry about the size of your chest. This does not affect the quantity and quality of milk. The baby is able to suck it even from the most unadapted for this breast. Especially, during the course of pregnancy it is mutated.
The reason for the fact that nipples have swollen, may beso-called "holidays" - critical days. Usually during these periods, the breast becomes also more sensitive. Nipples may protrude slightly, unlike the usual condition. When you touch your chest, often aching pain. So if nipples have swollen, a woman's usual malaise may soon begin.
If you have swollen nipples, but you are not pregnant, and menstruation is not expected - you will be assigned the necessary tests, will conduct a survey and will tell the cause of this phenomenon.
The cause of swelling of the nipples may be illness -for example, dyshormonal mastopathy. Often doctors put and another diagnosis-ginekomastia. A sign pointing to the disease is a combination of swelling of the nipples and their pain. Sometimes there may be a discharge from the nipples. It is necessary to descend or go to mammologu.
Nipples may swell when wornclothes - bra, t-shirts with decorative elements or simply rough fabric can irritate tender nipples. In this case, it is recommended to abandon such clothes.
Nipples swell and when excited. This is absolutely normal and should not cause cause for concern - enjoy life and a loved one!
But if you have a hormonal background, the swelling of the nipples can be its consequence. As a rule, this reason often can not be recognized - it is necessary to do the analysis, and not all women are in a hurry to pass it.
Hormonal changes can have the following reasons:
- inflammatory gynecological diseases;
- disorders of the menstrual cycle;
- side effects of hormonal drugs (in particular, contraceptives);
- disruption in the endocrine system.
After stabilizing the hormonal balance, unpleasant events must pass.
Unfortunately, sometimes the swelling of the nipples isa formidable sign of a disease such as tuberculosis. Breast cancer is not so common, but still takes place. You should also be alerted to general symptoms (general weakness, severe sweating, emaciation).
In any case, if you are in doubt about something - contact a competent doctor, he will help dispel doubts and put the correct diagnosis.