/ / The drug "Azithromycin" for children and adults

The drug "Azithromycin" for children and adults

The drug "Azithromycin 250 mg" is included in the categoryantibiotics with a wide spectrum of activity from the subgroup of azalides in the macrolide group. High concentrations of the active ingredient in the inflammation focus have a bactericidal effect. Compared with other drugs of the group of macrolides, the drug "Azithromycin" (for children and adults) has a more pronounced bactericidal effect, the ability to adhere to the liquid, cells, tissues of the body, longer half-life. Clinical efficacy is usually achieved within a three-day course. The drug has an effect on a number of gram-negative, Gram-positive bacteria.

azithromycin 250 mg


Medication with oral administration is absorbedgood enough. After entering the body, a fairly rapid distribution of it in the tissues occurs. The concentration in them is many times higher than the level in the plasma. Due to the ability of the active component to accumulate in leukocytes, increased antimicrobial activity is provided. With the cells, the drug is transported to inflammatory foci. As a result, the concentration in these areas is six times higher than in intact tissues. Excretion of the antibiotic is carried out slowly from the body. This allows you to take it once a day, shorten the duration of therapy to five days. A high level in the tissues persists for about seven days after the end of treatment.

respiratory diseases in children

Indications. Contraindications

Препарат «Азитромицин» для детей и взрослых is prescribed for infections provoked by sensitive bacteria. Indications include, in particular, skin pathologies, lesions of fatty subcutaneous fat (dermatoses (secondary-infected), impetigo, erysipelas). The drug is recommended for infections in the genitals and urinary tract (gonococcal or acute nonspecific (chlamydia) urethritis, colpitis, cervicitis). Diseases of the respiratory system in children and adults are also indications for the use of the drug. The drug is recommended for acute bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, scarlet fever, pneumonia, otitis. No remedy is prescribed for hypersensitivity to components.

Mode of application

azithromycin for children

It is allowed to prescribe the medicine "Azithromycin"for children older than a year. Recommended scheme of application: on the first day of 10 mg per kg of weight, in the next 4 days - five milligrams per kilogram once a day. The drug is taken one hour before or after food in two hours. If the respiratory organs are affected, adults are prescribed five hundred milligrams in one dose, from the second to the fifth day the dosage is halved. At sexual pathologies the preparation is appointed once. It should be said that due to pharmacokinetic properties, the drug "Azithromycin" for children and adults can be taken for a short time - a maximum of seven days. It is extremely rare to require longer-term therapy in combination with different antimicrobial agents. In some cases, the doctor can recommend a combination with immunomodulating medications.

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