/ / Nimulide for children and adults

"Nimulid" remedy for children and adults

The drug "Nimulide" (suspension for children)belongs to the category of anti-inflammatory drugs. The medicine has antipyretic, antioxidant, analgesic effect. The medication also helps to prevent destruction in the cartilaginous tissue. The active substance is nimesulide. The component is characterized by its ability to be quickly absorbed from the digestive tract after ingestion. Eating lowers the absorption rate, but does not affect the concentration of the substance. The maximum level of the drug reaches 1.5 to 3 hours after application. The medication is also available in the form of a gel and tablets. Before using it is recommended to visit a doctor and carefully study the instructions.

The tool "Nimulid" for children and adults. Indications

nimulide suspension for children

The gel is used externally.Indications include myalgia, pain in the joints. The drug is recommended for local therapy of damaged ligaments, muscles. The remedy "Nimulide" (suspension for children and tablets) is recommended as an anesthetic. Adults are also prescribed for gynecological pathologies, used in dentistry, ENT-practice. In addition, the drug "Nimulid" for children (expert reviews confirm this) are prescribed for pathologies in the upper respiratory tract, bone, muscle, joints, and as an antipyretic agent.

Methods of application

nimulide children reviews

Gel is applied thinly, without rubbing on painfulsites. The skin should be clean and dry. It is not recommended to use more than four times a day. Treatment, as a rule, long. After applying the gel, you should thoroughly wash the drug off your hands. The medicine "Nimulid" for children and adults in the form of tablets and syrup is prescribed in the amount of one hundred milligrams twice a day. The maximum amount of a drug is not more than 400 mg per day. The drug "Nimulide" for children under the age of twelve is prescribed by weight. The recommended dose is 1.5 mg / kg. The number of applications is 2 per day.

Adverse Reactions

nimulide for children

Applying the drug, patients can feeldizziness, nervousness, sleep disorder, stomach pain. In a number of cases, stomatitis, gastritis, attacks of fear, jaundice are noted. To adverse reactions, experts also include visual disturbances, dyspnea, ulcer. In some cases, thrombocytopenia, arrhythmia, allergies, disturbances in the process of excretion of bile, deterioration of coagulability are observed. It should, however, be said that the preparation is tolerated well when taken orally, but when using the gel, peeling, burning, itching of the skin is possible.


Средство «Нимулид» для детей и взрослых не is prescribed for disorders of the liver and kidneys. Not recommended for intolerance of nimesulide and excipients, glucocorticosteroids and other components of the drug. Nemulide is not prescribed for children under the age of twelve. Contraindicated medication during pregnancy and lactation, as well as patients with drug and alcohol dependence. Do not treat open wounds and integument with broken integrity.

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