/ / Kratal tablets: user manual, user reviews and price

Kratal tablets: instructions for use, reviews and price

Choosing between synthetic and naturaldrugs, many patients give their preference to the second option. This is due to the fact that drugs that are of vegetable origin are more safe for the body.

Kratal instructions for use reviews

Today we will tell you about what is a drug such as Kratal. Instructions for use, patients' feedback on the efficacy of the agent will also be described below.

Composition, description, packaging, form of release

Препарат «Кратал» (таблетки), инструкция по the use of which is contained in a pack of cardboard, contains in itself such plant components as hawthorn extract, taurine and motherwort extract.

As for the auxiliary substances, they include potato starch, magnesium stearate and colloidal silicon dioxide.

Tablets "Kratal", the instruction for use of which is presented below, have an oval and biconvex form, as well as a light or dark brown color with various inclusions.

The medicine can be bought in contour packs of 10 tablets each.

Pharmacological features of the drug

What is the difference between Kratal?Instruction for use informs that this medication can have soft cardiotonic, antianginal, antioxidant, antiaggregate, antihypoxic and antiarrhythmic effects.

Pharmacodynamics of the preparation

How does Kratal work?Instructions for use (reviews about this drug are more positive) says that the high therapeutic effectiveness of this drug is due to the natural ingredients that make up its composition.

briefly instructions for use

This medicine is able to suppressrenin-angiotensin system, as well as activate kallikrein-kinin. In addition, it slows down the reactions of lipid peroxidation and stimulates the biological synthesis of cyclic adenosine monophosphate.

After taking Kratala, the patient'sblood supply and myocardial work. This drug helps to increase the coronary reserve, reduce blood pressure, improve the contractility of the heart and normalize the frequency of its contractions. It also reduces the sensitivity of the heart muscle to physical activity.

What other properties are inherent in the drug Kratal?Instruction, reviews of experienced specialists report that it quite effectively reduces the severity of intoxication symptoms caused by cardiac glycosides.


Do you know what they are appointing for?the preparation Kratal? Instructions for use (the price of the medication is presented below) states that such tablets are used as part of combined therapy of neurocirculatory dystonia.

Contraindications to taking oral medication

Contraindications to the use of "Kratal" tablets are not very many. That is why this drug is very popular among those who suffer from neurocirculatory dystonia.

crashed user's manual price

The drug should not be used:

  • with lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the substance of the drug;
  • bearing a fetus.

Also, it is not prescribed at the age of 18 years.

With extreme caution, the drug being considered is used for diabetes.

Tablets "Kratal": instructions for use

Reviews of the mentioned medication will be described at the end of the article. And now we will tell you how to take it.

В какой дозировке назначают «Кратал» взрослым to patients? The instruction states that this medicine should be taken orally in the amount of one tablet three times a day. To carry out this procedure preferably before meals.

Course duration is 4 weeks (not more).

Side effects

While taking Kratal tablets in patientsrarely develop side effects. However, in some cases, taking this medication may cause symptoms of hypersensitivity (for example, flushing, urticaria, itching, or rash).

kratal tablets instructions for use

Also, this drug contributes to the appearance of dyspepsia, dizziness, weakness, arterial hypertension, fatigue, bradycardia and drowsiness.

Cases of overdose

Take the drug "Kratal" should onlythe appointment of a doctor. If there is no opportunity to consult a doctor, then before using the drug should be sure to read the instructions. It says that when taking an elevated dose of the drug, the patient may experience the following symptoms: fatigue, dyspepsia, drowsiness, and weakness.

To eliminate such conditions, it is necessary to cancel the drug, as well as to carry out symptomatic therapy.

Compatibility with other drugs

The considered agent can be used.together with beta-blockers, prolonged-acting nitrates, diuretics, vasodilators, cardiac glycosides and calcium antagonists. But it should be borne in mind that the “Kratal” tablets can stimulate the antianginal effects of calcium antagonists, nitrates, neuroprotectors and beta-blockers.

It can not be said that this drug increases the sensitivity of the heart muscle to the action of glycosides (cardiac) and calcium channel blockers. This fact requires dose adjustment.

Special Recommendations

Taurine, which is part of "Krathal", hashypoglycemic action. In this regard, the appointment of the considered funds to patients who suffer from diabetes, requires constant monitoring of the level of glucose in the blood. You may also need to change the input dosages of insulin or used hypoglycemic drugs (in order to avoid the occurrence of hypoglycemia).

Kratal instruction reviews

It should be noted that in the process of treatment“Kratal” the patient should refrain from driving and engaging in activities that require increased attention and responsiveness.

Analogs and cost of the drug

If necessary, the drug “Kratal” can be replaced by such means as “Alvisan Neo”, “Kor Sius Compositum N”, “Validol”, “Homviokorin-N”, “Pumpan”.

You can purchase this medication at any pharmacy. Its average cost is 280-300 rubles.

Reviews about tablets

Now you know what constitutes the drug Kratal. Instructions for use, reviews of these tablets are described in this article.

Due to the presence of herbal ingredients,the mild effect of the drug, as well as the rare occurrence of side effects, most patients leave only positive feedback about this medicine. This medicine, according to reviews, effectively treats neurocirculatory dystonia, and also eliminates all the signs that accompany this disease.

tablet brief instructions

As for the doctors, many of them are very skeptical about the positive feedback on the effects of this drug.

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