/ / Fiber is a panacea?

Fiber is a panacea?

Adherents of a healthy diet and lifestyle, notthinking, can name products that positively influence our body. Among them: fresh gifts of nature - vegetables and fruits, as well as salads, dried fruits, whole grain bread, cereals, nuts and many other useful "goodies." What unites them? Vegetable origin and low calorie content. In addition, they are all rich in mysterious cellulose.

Fiber it

Vegetable fibers or fiber is the shellcells of vegetables and fruits, cereals and legumes, nuts and seeds. Why do we value this natural invention? Deficiency of plant fibers causes constipation, which leads to the most powerful intoxication of the body. Under the action of poisons, skin spoils, rashes and peeling on it become commonplace, hair falls out, nails break ... Nutritionists have identified the most important advantage of cellulose: this component of plant foods is not digested by humans. Its main property proved to be extremely important for the normalization of vital activity: coarse dietary fiber, as a "washcloth," cleans the intestines from the inside, improving the peristalsis of "purgatory", protecting the small intestine from the corrosive action of enzymes. In dietetics, plant fiber is an integral component of both curative and healthy nutrition.

Комплекс пищевых волокон-полисахаридов ученые divided into a soluble type and insoluble. Insoluble fiber is a stiffened cell membrane, lignin and cellulose. This substance is practically unchanged, like a sponge, passes through the digestive tract, absorbs liquid, increases in volume, removes toxins and acids, then empties the intestines. It is found in a variety of vegetables, fruits, as well as in cereals, legumes and cereals.

Fiber in products

Soluble fiber is a naturalgel-like substances: pectins, resins, alginase and helicellulose. Getting into the stomach and in contact with the liquid, it turns into jelly. Its low-calorie composition allows a magical way for a long time to remain a man full, without harming the figure. A very common drug is a fiber in tablets and capsules for weight loss. Effective decrease in appetite is the result of the swelling of the jelly-like substance and the filling of the stomach.

Fiber in tablets

Is there always a need to eat tabletsand capsules? Natural fiber in foods: berries, beans, citrus, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, beets, apples, - is a natural "golden key", consisting of soluble dietary fiber.

Any fiber requires compulsorydaily consumption of water: at least one and a half to two liters. Deficiency of the fluid leads to the retention of useful fibers in the intestine and the loss of some of their absorbing properties.

For the healthy functioning of the bodynutritionists are advised to include in the diet both types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Their ratio should be 3: 1, that is, ¾ of the diet should be insoluble fiber, and ¼ - soluble.

Insoluble fiber

Lose weight with the help of useful dietary fiberoccurs due to the normalization of the flora of the gastrointestinal tract, its filling and slowing down the assimilation of simple and complex carbohydrates, as well as fats. In addition, the fiber eliminates the body from harmful excessive cholesterol. Products containing it in large quantities are abundant in vitamins and natural antioxidants, while they are depleted by lipids and calories.

Soluble fiber
Нерастворимая клетчатка – это компонент отрубей и whole-grain products, fruit and root rind, dark green vegetables and salads, nuts and seeds. A rich source of her soluble "girlfriend" are zucchini, broccoli, apples, beans (white and red), grapefruits, oranges, prunes, grapes, bread from various grains.

Fiber is a panacea that helps maintain the GIT, blood sugar, heart and blood vessels. So, your health will be preserved for many years!

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