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What foods contain fiber

Клетчатка не обеспечивает организм энергией, но, nevertheless, it is considered a very important nutrient necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism, especially the digestive system.

Fiber is the fibers that are in the foodof plant origin. Fiber in food is very common. Using such food you can clean the body well, lose weight and normalize the intestinal motility. Fiber is found in leaves, stems, plant tubers and fruits. It is known that a person daily needs to eat about 25 grams of fiber. Exactly so much is in one kilogram of oatmeal, half a kilo of beans or two and a half kilograms of cabbage. Of course, this number is rarely able to eat. To help come modern food technology that has produced bread. The maximum possible amount of fiber is stored in loaves. It is enough to eat only 100 grams of bread a day to ensure that the body receives the necessary fiber.

What foods are rich in fiber, in addition toknown? There are a lot of cellulose in fresh vegetables and fruits, greens. Especially a large number of it is found in all varieties of cabbage, carrots, asparagus, radish, mushrooms, apples, peaches, grapes, bananas, pineapples. It should be noted that the amount of fiber is sharply reduced during heat treatment. Therefore, it is important not only to know what products contain fiber, but also to use them correctly. For example, it is very important not to peel the vegetables and fruits, because there it is the largest. Continuing the list, which foods contain fiber, you should remember about the beans, beans, soy and peas. Untreated cereals and cereals also contain fiber in sufficient quantities. In your daily diet should include oatmeal, buckwheat porridge and brown rice. In order to replenish the body with these dietary fibers, you can eat dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots and prunes). There is fiber in nuts. Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts are very useful to add to the plate with morning porridge. Instead of white bread, it is better to eat bran, including various cereals and seeds. Such bakery products are a good source of essential fiber. Also, remembering what foods contain fiber, we must remember about rice, rye and wheat bran. It is better to use them for half an hour before meals twice a day, one teaspoonful, then gradually increasing to one tablespoon. Such bran are sold in any pharmacy. In salads from vegetables, you can add flax seeds or pumpkin seeds, since they also contain a lot of fiber.

Daily use of fiberpractice many modern diets. It prevents excessive accumulation of fats and slows their absorption. In addition, fiber can reduce the level of dangerous cholesterol in the blood, thus preventing the risk of heart disease. For diabetics, it is also very important to know what foods contain fiber, because it reduces blood sugar. By using such products, diabetics can regulate the diabetic balance in the body. With daily consumption of fiber, you can reduce the chance of developing bowel cancer. For example, in Japan, where soy, rice and other cereals are the basis of a daily diet, this type of cancer is extremely rare, which, unfortunately, can not be said about Europe and the United States. In addition, there are still many antioxidants, vitamins and various minerals in the cellulose. Whatever useful fiber, you need to understand that to introduce it into your diet should be gradually. Otherwise, flatulence, swelling and abdominal pain may occur.

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