/ / Inflammation of the gums. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Inflammation of the gum. Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Inflammation of the gum is a seriousThe problem with which, according to statistics, the majority of people around the world are facing. Symptoms of this disease are swelling, redness, bleeding and pain. However, there are several degrees of this ailment.

Periodontal disease, for example, is the simplestinflammation of the gum. It is not considered a disease according to WHO's special classification. Most often, periodontitis is a consequence of a small load on the chewing apparatus. As a rule, this inflammation of the gums does not require any medication treatment. It is enough to include in your diet solid food, fruits and vegetables in fresh form.

Gingivitis is a disease, withwhich has inflammation of the gum. This process is accompanied by mild vulnerability, hemorrhage, odor from the mouth and swelling. In addition, with gingivitis, the inflammatory process of medium severity affects not only the gums themselves, but the surrounding tissue. According to experts, this is the initial stage of the disease called periodontitis.

Periodontitis is the inflammation of the gums that is carriedimpetuous nature. The disease is considered incurable and progressive. Inflammation in this case extends to the bone, dental tissue and, accordingly, the gums. In most cases, periodontitis in neglected form leads to a complete loss of teeth.

Inflammation of the gums causes bacteria.They can accumulate on the teeth as a result of incorrect or insufficient oral hygiene. First these bacteria form a plaque, then tartar. However, often gum inflammation can be triggered by smoking, hereditary factors, infection and deficiency of useful elements in the body, the intake of certain medicines, hormonal changes, any diseases (diabetes mellitus), poor quality dental work. In the risk group, it is possible to include representatives of the fair sex who are taking contraceptives. It is worth noting that often inflammation of the gums begins during pregnancy or after childbirth, as the mother's body loses a huge amount of calcium and other trace elements. That's why it's time to take care of the condition of your teeth and visit a specialist on a regular basis.

How to relieve gingivitis?This can be done with the help of pharmaceutical means. However, this method is suitable only for those who have similar symptoms are primary. To begin with it is still worth consulting with the dentist. He will help you choose the drugs that are right for you, will give a full and proper treatment. Before you go to the doctor, you can start using toothpastes that contain a large amount of fluoride. For example, "Sensodin". Gel "Parodium" or extract "Vitaon" will help to remove painful sensations. As an analgesic, you can use analgin, paracetamol. This list is supplemented by panadol, aspirin. As for stronger drugs ("Ciprofloxacin" or "Ketanov"), it is better not to take them before visiting the dentist.

As already mentioned, any person canto begin an inflammation of a gum. Than to treat it if not to resort to chemist's agents? In this case the supporters of traditional medicine have their own recipes. For example, to remove inflammation will help the broth of thyme, St. John's wort, sage or chamomile.

In order to avoid such a situation, you need toremember preventive measures. Eat more foods that contain calcium and vitamin C. This will significantly strengthen the bones, teeth and reduce the bleeding of your gums. A healthy lifestyle, refusal of alcohol and smoking, also contributes to the health of not only your gums, but the body as a whole. Remember the dental floss, do not forget to brush your teeth twice a day.

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