/ / Medication "Omeprazole". Instructions

The drug "Omeprazole". Instructions

Medication "Omeprazole" is included in the categoryantiulcer drugs. The drug is able to inhibit the "proton pump" (a special enzyme) in gastric parietal cells, thus blocking the synthesis of hydrochloric acid at the final stage. As a result, irrespective of the type of stimulus, the level of stimulated and basal secretion decreases. With a single oral intake, the effect is noted within the first 60 minutes, the maximum effect reaches 2 hours and lasts throughout the day. With peptic ulcer, 20 mg of the drug contribute to maintaining intragastric pH = 317 hours. After the termination of therapy restoration of secretory activity occurs after 3-5 days. The drug is absorbed quickly enough. Bioavailability of the drug is 30-40%. Metabolism occurs in the liver. The agent is excreted by the kidneys mainly.

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The drug "Omeprazole". Instructions. Indications

The drug is recommended for peptic ulcer disease, erosive ulcerative lesions in the digestive tract, with the eradication of Helicobacter pylori.


Do not prescribe medicine during pregnancy, breastfeeding, in childhood. The drug "Omeprazole" instruction does not allow for use in hypersensitivity.

Adverse Reactions

how to take omeprazole

As a rule, the negative consequences on the backgroundtreatment is rare and reversible. The drug can cause constipation, or diarrhea, upset of the liver, depression, pancytopenia, dizziness. On the basis of taking the remedy, there is probably a taste disorder, the appearance of weakness in the muscles, agranulocytosis, photosensitization. On the background of treatment, dry mouth, abdominal tenderness, hepatitis, stomatitis, flatulence, arthralgia, erythema multiforme, angioedema may occur. To the negative manifestations in the therapy with the drug "Omeprazole" the instruction refers to gynecomastia, the formation of gastric cysts (against the background of prolonged therapy), fever, visual function disorder, increased sweating, and peripheral puffiness. The drug can cause anaphylactic shock, alopecia, myalgia, interstitial nephritis, bronchospasm.

How to take Omeprazole

omeprazole instructions

The medicine is intended for oral administration.Capsules do not chew. When peptic ulcer is exacerbated in the duodenum, one capsule is prescribed once a day. Duration of treatment is 2-4 weeks. In some cases, the dosage is increased to two capsules per day. On the basis of ulcers of the stomach and erosive-ulcerative esophagitis 1-2 capsules are recommended for 4-8 weeks. During eradication, Helicobacter pylori is administered twice a day on the capsule. Duration of treatment - a week in conjunction with antibacterial medicines. With erosive and ulcerative lesions in the gastrointestinal tract, the omeprazole medication is recommended per capsule per day. Duration of admission is a month or two. With anti-relapse therapy, the dosage of the medicine is a capsule per day. Duration of admission is set by the doctor individually.

The drug "Omeprazole". Instructions for use. Price

The cost of the medicine is up to one hundred rubles.

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