Of course, the birth of a child is joyousan event in a young family. It entails a series of pleasant worries, but also some restrictions in those or other food preferences of a young mother. In the period of breastfeeding it is worth to be cautious about the issue of nutrition. During the summer, when there is an abundance of fruits and berries in the garden, and a variety of overseas fruits on the supermarket shelves, it is difficult to resist the desire to eat anything from all this. But, alas, not all foods are allowed during lactation.
With all its positive qualities, grapeslactating mothers should not be consumed in unlimited quantities. Undoubtedly, he has a wonderful chemical composition: folic acid, vitamins P and K. All this has a very excellent effect on the human body. Grapes are useful for eating people who suffer from poor blood coagulability, in case of need strengthening of blood vessels and normalization of blood pressure. Irrespective of color, these berries are equally useful.
But still this question is being questioned,Whether it is possible to grapes feeding mum, in case of unbalanced food. When it is used together with raw milk or rather fatty meat. As a consequence, excessive fermentation can form in the intestine, which is then transmitted to the baby through the medications of the baby and causes colic in him.
Another negative answer to the questionthe question of whether grapes can be fed to a mother is a distinctive feature of the skin of these berries, which is very long digested in the stomach and thus causes such unpleasant gassing.
Newborn baby requires mom to complya fairly strict diet due to a not yet fully developed intestine. During the first three months of your baby's life, your pediatrician will answer categorically: "Is it possible for the grapes to be nursed to my mother?" The arguments will, of course, be the above-mentioned distinctive features of this berry. Only when the child is at least three months old, you can slowly expand the diet of your diet, and, following the reaction of the baby, use different foods. If any rash or colic occurs, the baby should still exclude the product for a while. For the convenience of monitoring for any manifestations, it is worth entering into your menu no more than one new dish in two or three days. This will help you know exactly what you can eat without harm to your child.
Some grandmothers asked about whethergrapes for nursing mothers, they answer fairly simply: everything is useful if you know the sense of proportion. Of course, they will be right. If you still could not resist the temptation, you can resort to a little trick. The process of digestion, of course, is not as lightning-fast, it takes about four hours, on average, and therefore it will be appropriate to stock up on breast milk, having premised it. Do not be afraid that your baby, having tried only once from the bottle, categorically refuses to breastfeed.
So, after reading all of the above, you, of course,you will find an answer to the question of whether grapes can be fed to your mother, how to avoid unpleasant moments and learn the peculiarities of using these berries.