/ / Means "Lokobeyz Ripeya". Instructions

Means "Lokobeyz Ripeya". Instructions

The drug "Locobeyz Repea" instructioncharacterizes as a regenerating cream. The tool provides protection for very dry and dry skin, prevents its drying and peeling. The drug is a supporting and prophylactic agent for the care of problem areas of cover. Lokobase Repea helps to restore the skin after stopping the use of various active drugs.

The drug is not recommended for hypersensitivity.

The tool "Locobase Ripeda" instruction recommendsapply once a day on problematic (dry) areas with a thin layer. If necessary (in case of intensive influence of negative factors, for example), the use is allowed several times a day.

After using the cream, the tube should be closed tightly. The drug is not intended for oral administration.

Characterizing the means of "Lokobase", the instruction indicates its double action. The drug is able to reduce transepidermal fluid loss and replenish the lack of essential lipids.

The moisturizing effect of the medication continues throughout the day.

During the research, the abilitydrugs to restore the functioning of the skin with contact and atopic dermatitis and other conditions complicated by the dryness of the skin, which, in turn, is associated with a lack of essential lipids. The agent "Lokobase Ripeda" (the instruction about it testifies) helps to reduce the need for topical steroid agents. The drug accelerates the relief (elimination) of exacerbation, increases the period of remission (weakening of symptoms) of the disease.

According to the manufacturer, the tool "LokobeyzRipea "has the highest content of lipids that are identical to natural, compared to other drugs. Creation of a cosmetic cream is carried out using modern technologies. The preparation contains paraffin nanoparticles that enhance the effectiveness and improve the properties of the product. These components give the skin a matte appearance after application.

The drug "Locobeyz Repea" is allowed touse as an independent means, and in combination with other drugs with anti-inflammatory activity (topical steroids).

Experts recommend cream to people with differentforms of dermatosis, dermatitis on the background of severe dry skin. Means "Lokobeyz Ripea" instruction is recommended for ichthyosis, psoriasis, simple and allergic contact dermatitis, eczema. The drug is prescribed and people with senile and constitutional dryness of the skin.

The liquid paraffin contained in the product contributes to the formation of a waterproof film on the surface of the cover.

Glycerin, being a hydrate, retains water in the epidermal stratum corneum, which provides the moisturizing effect of the drug.

Palmitic and oleic acid, cholesterol andceramides compensate for the deficiency of natural lipids, slowing down and preventing damage to the skin, and provide long-lasting effects of Lokobase Reepe.

The tromethatin component maintains the required pH level, which is optimal for the regeneration (recovery) of the skin.

The action of the drug "Lokobeyz Repea" beginsdirectly after application to the skin. The drug reduces the evaporation of moisture from the surface due to the occlusive effect. With further penetration of the drug into the stratum corneum, lipid deficiency is replenished. Subsequently, penetrating into the deeper layers of the skin, the active lipid components of the product enter the lamellar bodies, from which, if necessary, are released and ensure the maintenance of water-lipid balance. Thus, prolonged exposure to the drug "Lokobeyz-Ripea". Analogue of the means - Topikrem medicine.

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