/ / Polyuria - what is this disease and what are its symptoms?

Polyuria - what is this disease and what are its symptoms?

Frequent urge to go to the toilet "in a small way" not onlycause discomfort, but also cause sleep disorders, as well as the manifestation of various diseases. However, many people try not to contact a doctor with similar problems, believing that such a state will pass by itself. In medicine, a disease associated with a disorder of urination is called polyuria. What is this ailment and what are its symptoms, we will consider in this article. It should be noted that this condition often arises from the use of a large amount of liquid. Also, frequent urge to urinate is usually observed in pregnant women due to increased pressure on the uterus.

polyuria what is it

Polyuria - what is it?

In medical science this term is calleda pathological condition characterized by the release of a large amount of urine (about 2 liters per day). Most often, this ailment is a symptom of some diseases.


Polyuria can be either permanent ora temporary phenomenon. To this condition often leads to uncontrolled treatment with diuretic drugs. Also, urination disorder can be caused by diseases such as prostate adenoma, diabetes, stroke, swelling in the pelvic region, cystitis, nervous system disorders, cancer or stones in the bladder, diverticulitis, tachycardia. People with a weak or unstable bladder often experience polyuria. What does it mean? With this pathology, even a small amount of fluid in the bladder causes quite strong urges "in a small way." And the urethra can begin before a person has time to reach the restroom.

Symptoms of ailment

symptoms of polyuria

Symptoms of polyuria are usually pronounced.The main symptoms include increased diuresis (from five to ten liters per day), in which the body loses a large number of chlorides, calcium, water and potassium. The next symptom is a decreased concentration of urine associated with kidney problems. Other signs are usually not observed.


With the help of samples on Zimnitskiy it is possible to identifythe disease we are considering under the name of polyuria. What is this diagnosis? The patient during the day collects urine at every visit to the toilet. After analyzing each portion, counting the amount and specific gravity of the fluid, you can quickly and easily diagnose this pathology, whose name is polyuria.

polyuria treatment


To get rid of such an unpleasantstate, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease that caused the disorder of the process of urination. To strengthen the muscles of the urethra, pelvis and bladder are very useful exercises Kegel. Perform them every day. The essence of the exercises consists in alternately compressing and unclenching the muscles of the pelvic floor. You should also pay attention to the diet. It is necessary to exclude diuretics or irritating the bladder products. These include chocolate, coffee, spices, sugar substitutes, alcohol, as well as vegetables rich in fiber. It is very important to control the amount of fluid used. Before going to bed, you should stop drinking at all.

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