/ / The back hurts: to what doctor to go with this problem?

The back aches: to what doctor to go with this problem?

Back pain is the most commonproblem with health. Often she gives in the lower back. Unpleasant sensations can have a different character: aching, acute, dull, spasmodic or irradiating. And sometimes it can not be the spine itself or the muscles surrounding it.

What to do when the back hurts? To what doctor to go?

The fact is that the cause of discomfort and unpleasantThe sensations in this area can be covered in a variety of diseases. And identify them can only a qualified specialist. Therefore, the first consideration of the issue, if the back hurts, to which doctor to go - the basic recommendation is a visit to the therapist. This specialist just needs to understand the symptoms and the nature of the pain, and then give direction to the profile doctor.

hurting back to which doctor to go
So, if the reason lies in osteochondrosis,spondylosis or a herniated intervertebral disc, the patient usually complains of constant back pain. The doctor then sends him to a consultation with a neurologist. Only this specialist will be able to appoint a timely individual treatment, as well as clarify the diagnosis, referring the patient to additional studies. Such, for example, as magnetic resonance or computed tomography, ultrasound. So, my back hurts ... Which doctor should I go to? Before deciding finally, the patient can contact the diagnostician in advance in order to provide the specialist with the results of the examination and accelerate the initiation of treatment.

sore back doctor
Not only with spinal dysfunction dislocationpain can be in the back area. Often there can give nerve endings with completely different ailments. So, sometimes, if the back hurts, the urologist can clearly identify the diagnosis and help the patient. In fact the reason of such indisposition can be an inflammation of urinary ways which provokes pains in the bottom part of a trunk in area of ​​a coccyx.
As you can see, back hurts completely differently.To what doctor to go, for example, if unpleasant sensations are deployed in all its upper part from the armpits to the waist? Often, in this case, you may need to consult a pulmonologist - a specialist in lung and respiratory diseases. This symptom occurs, in particular, with complicated inflammation of the lungs and pleurisy.


Such a disease as osteoporosis, oftenmanifested by a single sign: the back hurts. What kind of doctor should you go for if you suspect this ailment? The disease is due to a metabolic disorder. Therefore, the patient necessarily needs consultation of the endocrinologist and a set of diagnostic measures to check the endocrine system.

Possible health problems

In general, the causes of soreness of the lower backcan be inflammatory processes and lesions of various internal organs - genital, kidney, liver. But beyond this, perhaps, unpleasant sensations are caused by overstrain of the muscles or traumatic injuries of the spine. And in this case, a specialist who works on the brink of official and alternative medicine can come to the rescue.

back pain doctor
It's about the osteopath.Such a doctor can with the help of massage, acupuncture and acupuncture make the back function in a healthy regime, and often its unusual methods can help not worse than the most famous drugs and techniques.

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