/ / Coccyx injury: symptoms and effects, treatment

Coccyx injury: symptoms and effects, treatment

Usually, the tailbone injury occurs when applyinga strong blow to the place where it is located. More often than others, cyclists who like to ride on rough roads are injured. It is worth noting that very often the bruise of the coccyx of the weaker sex. Women, unlike men, have wider hip bones. This is where the problem lies. In order to avoid such injuries, you should carefully monitor the loads that fall on the back. The tailbone is the most vulnerable part of the spine. For many women, even pregnancy can be the cause of such an injury. So, with a tailbone injury, what to do, how to treat it, and what could be the consequences?

coccyx bruise symptoms and effects

What is it - a tailbone injury?

For many, bruising is a blow toa specific area of ​​the body, as a result of which there is a violation of the integrity of the tissues. Often, such injuries are neglected. Many believe that such a nuisance as a bruise will quickly pass. As for the coccyx, here the situation is somewhat different. In this case, any insignificant blow or load can cause a strong damage to this section of the spine. In addition, the situation is aggravated by the fact that an external factor acts on the tailbone. In addition, the entire spine puts pressure on this part of the body. That is why the tailbone injury is so dangerous. The symptoms and consequences of such an injury are very unpleasant.

Bruising Symptoms

Coccyx injury is not only a dangerous injury.due to the fact that further consequences may arise, but also the fact that it is difficult to diagnose. And not always the doctor is able to accurately diagnose. However, a coccyx injury, the symptoms of which can be very sensitive, can be identified by the following signs:

  1. A small bruise may appear in the impact area. If there was a huge hematoma and pain does not pass, then it means that the victim received a fracture.
  2. Also, the patient may feel pain and discomfort during bowel movements. Similar symptoms may also indicate a fracture of the coccyx.
  3. Pain syndrome appears immediately after the impact, but after a few hours it disappears. This little trick is misleading the victim, and he thinks that everything will go away.
  4. Discomfort in the coccyx can occur during intercourse.
  5. The severe injury of the coccyx, the symptoms and consequences of which can be deplorable, indicates pain syndrome that has spread to the lower extremities.
  6. Also at the site of impact may appear a bump, in contact with which there is a sharp pain.
  7. Edema. This is another sign of a bruised tailbone and a serious cause for concern. After all, a similar phenomenon occurs with fairly dangerous injuries.
  8. Also, a person who suffered a bruise or a fracture of the coccyx may be disturbed by pain during rest or movement. With such an injury, it is usually very difficult to stand still.
    treatment of bruised tailbone

Other symptoms

Помимо вышеперечисленных симптомов, пострадавший may feel wave-like pain after a slight blow to the tailbone. Immediately after receiving an injury, a person feels a strong pain, which eventually passes and occurs only when an unsuccessful squat or sudden movement. In such situations, many simply ignore the discomfort and are in no hurry to turn to specialists, letting everything go to chance. However, this is not the best way to solve a problem. Indeed, over the years, this process will become chronic, and the injury will not be cured. Even with minor loads there will be pain. Of course, it will not be pronounced, but it will provide enough problems. Therefore, the treatment of the injured coccyx should be carried out in any case.

Consequences of trauma

Многих пострадавших обычно волнует вопрос о том, how much time is spent on treating injury. It largely depends on the strength of the strike. After all, a coccyx injury, the symptoms and consequences of which can be unpleasant, is still a dangerous injury. If the pain persists and resumes, then in this case it is necessary to seek help from a traumatologist. Otherwise, the following consequences may occur:

coccyx injury

  1. As a result of a very strong blow, even a slight displacement of the spinal cord can occur, which will eventually lead to frequent migraines.
  2. Pain can become chronic.
  3. The integrity of the spinal cord can be severely compromised.
  4. In some cases, hematoma fibrosis may begin.
  5. It is also not possible wedging into the occipital region of the spinal cord.
  6. Due to the displacement of the bone, patients often have inflammation in the rectum.
  7. Compression fracture of the spine.

Если болит копчик после ушиба, то необходимо seek help from experts. Only in this case can the negative consequences be avoided. It is also very important to know how to properly provide first aid for such an injury.

First aid for injury to the sacrum and tailbone

If a person has received a strong blow to the area of ​​the lower part of the spine, several procedures should be performed:

  1. A bruise area is worth overcoating. This will reduce vascular hemorrhage.
  2. It should ensure the patient lack of pressure on the damaged part of the spine.
  3. Take the victim to the nearest medical center.
  4. If the pain is pronounced, then you should not force a person to endure. It is necessary to give the victim any anesthetic.
    with a tailbone injury what to do

How to treat a coccyx injury

Treatment of the hurt coccyx should be carried out.an experienced doctor. The quality of therapy for such injuries depends on the timely treatment of the victim in the medical center. On examination, a specialist should rule out serious damage to the spine. That is why it is necessary to take an x-ray. Only after that the doctor can choose a method of treatment. If the diagnosis is a sacrum and coccyx contusion, then the victim can do without hospitalization.

Methods of treatment

There are several main methods of treatment:

  1. Compliance with bed rest for several days.
  2. If the pain is pronounced, the doctor may prescribe painkillers.
  3. The injured person is prohibited from sitting down. If this is not possible, then special orthopedic pillows should be used, which are designed specifically for such cases.
    the tailbone hurts after a bruise
  4. Also, do not warm up and put warmcompresses to the damaged area. It is forbidden to take baths. It is best to use the shower, avoiding prolonged exposure of warm water to the hurt place. Doctors recommend applying more cold.
  5. Athletes about training better to forget for a while. The victim should minimize all physical activity.
  6. It is necessary to abandon high-heeled shoes. With such an injury, it is better to wear something on a flat sole.
  7. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe physical therapy. However, to resort to this method immediately after the injury is not worth it.
    sacrum and coccyx contusion

How to smear a bruise

For a speedy recovery should be regularlyapply certain compounds to the sore spot. You also need to know what is better to use. To eliminate pain and bruising, experts recommend using Dolobene or Traumeel gels, as well as all sorts of ointments based on calendula, arnica and chamomile. Perfectly suitable compositions that have a warming effect. This will avoid such troubles as hematoma fibrosis. The main thing is to remember that a tailbone injury, the symptoms and consequences of which are very diverse, is a dangerous injury, and it must be treated immediately.

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