Scabies are called infectious skin diseases.It is caused by a microscopic parasite - itchy itching, or an itch mite. Characteristic signs of this disease are itching and rash papulevezikuleznaya, with the addition of secondary pustular formations due to infection of the wound on combing.
There are different types of drugs thathave a harmful effect on the causative agent of this disease. To one of the most popular include "Benzyl benzoate" (emulsion). Instruction, price, features of the facility and feedback about it are presented below.
What elements are included in the composition of a 20% solution"Benzyl benzoate"? The emulsion, the instruction about which is presented below, contains the basic substance, benzyl benzoate, as well as auxiliary components in the form of household 72% soap, cetylpyridinium chloride, emulsion wax and purified water.
The preparation against scabies "Benzyl benzoate" is a clear liquid that has a characteristic smell. It goes on sale in bottles or bottles of 100, 50 and 200 g.
What is noticeable in the preparation "Benzyl benzoate" (emulsion)? Instruction for use informs that this drug, which has a pronounced acaricidal effect. It is active against ticks.
As a rule, the medicine in question is used for the destruction of two kinds of parasites:
In what other cases is the use of "Benzyl benzoate" shown? Emulsion, the instruction of which is obligatory for reading to everyone, is actively used in pediculosis.
After contact with this product, the louse perishes in 2-4 hours, and the mites - after 10-35 minutes.
How does the medicine "Benzyl benzoate" work?(emulsion 20)? The instruction says that, penetrating through the exoskeleton of a tick or lice, the active substance of this medicine accumulates in the body of the parasite, contributing to its death.
It should be especially noted that the drug in question destroys not only adult individuals, but also larvae. Although experts say that it is ineffective against eggs of parasites.
Due to the presence in the emulsion of suchantibacterial preservative, such as cetylpyridinium chloride, benzyl benzoate is able to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, this medication can be used as a bacteriostatic agent.
When used locally, it is considered safe, as it is not absorbed into the skin, that is, does not enter the systemic circulation.
When is the use shown?"Benzyl benzoate"? Emulsion, the instruction of which is contained in a pack of cardboard, is actively used for the treatment of scabies. Also, this remedy can be prescribed against pediculosis.
Under what conditions is not shown the use of"Benzyl benzoate"? An emulsion, the instruction of which contains all the information necessary for the patient, should not be administered with hypersensitivity to benzyl benzoate and other components of the drug. In addition, it can not be applied to damaged areas of the skin, including pustular diseases. Also, this drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, children under three years of age and breastfeeding mothers.
Emulsion (the instruction of this drug will beexamined right now) with scabies should be used within three days. The vial with the contents is shaken well, and then applied to the skin in an amount of 100 ml per patient.
When using a solution, rub it with your hands, avoiding hitting the scalp and face. First, the drug is applied to the upper limbs, and then to the lower and trunk.
Before the first medical procedure and after three days it is desirable to take a bath. Bedding and linen are also changed.
Before using this medicine bottleshould shake well. Further it is required to impregnate with an emulsion a piece of gauze or a cotton swab, and then to process it hair at the rate of 25 g of a medicine for one procedure.
Wiping the medicine in the scalp with light movements, it is covered with a scarf.
The emulsion is washed off with normal water after half an hour with head lice and 10 minutes later when treating other hair surfaces of the body.
It is extremely undesirable to allow the solution to enter the skin of the face.
After the treatment procedure will beThe used kerchief is impregnated with a warm 5% vinegar solution. Slightly squeezing the fabric, it is re-tied to the head. Such an exercise will make it possible to separate the louse eggs from the hair. Next, the head is treated with shampoo or soap and combed comb with frequent teeth (comb) to eliminate dead eggs and parasites.
The results of such a procedure are evaluated after 60 minutes or after a day. In the event that the eggs of lice are found again, the hair is re-treated with a solution of vinegar.
When applying benzyl benzoate to the skin, a subjective burning sensation is possible, which disappears in subsequent procedures.
In some cases, local reactions such as itching, burning sensation, dryness or erythema in the area of the skin that has been treated with medication are observed in patients with a problem skin.
In addition, allergic manifestations are possible.
If all of the above side effects do not go away by themselves, then discontinue treatment and consult a doctor.
Most often, negative phenomena occur on the genitals and damaged areas. Sometimes patients develop contact dermatitis.
Before the first treatment, you must take a hot shower to remove mites from the skin and to soften the epidermis.
If you get medication in the eyes and other mucous membranes, take the following measures:
After the end of treatment should be observed at the doctor for about 15 days.
The price of the funds in question is 30-50 rubles (depending on the form).
Most experts say that"Benzyl benzoate" is an effective preparation against scabies. However, doctors warn of the complexity of the treatment of this ailment. After all, to eliminate the itch mite, it is necessary to carefully treat not only the body, but all bed linen and clothes.
According to the patients' reviews, this medicationdoes not always work effectively. In a number of cases, he provided only temporary recovery. Therefore, for the complete destruction of ticks should strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the treating doctor.