/ / "Desloratadine": analogues, instructions for use, feedback

Desloratadine: analogues, instructions for use, feedback

Allergic reactions are familiar to many people.They can occur on drugs, cosmetics, food. A harmless, at first glance, condition can be complicated by anaphylactic shock and lead to death. Therefore, every allergic person should have a remedy in his or her first aid kit, which will help to remove unpleasant symptoms. One of the most popular anti-allergic drugs is Desloratadine. Analogues are also widely used. However, take any medication after consultation with your doctor.


The drug is considered a blocker of histamine H1receptors. Refers to a group of antihistamines. Produced in the form of blue tablets. The main substance in the drug is desloratadine. In one tablet is 5 mg of the active ingredient. The product has a long-term effect, prevents the occurrence of allergies in the patient, facilitates the symptoms of the disease. The drug reduces swelling, itching, pain, and has a pronounced antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles.

desloratadine analogues
The medication does not affect the activity of the central nervous system, notcauses drowsiness. The action of the tablets begins 30 minutes after ingestion. The therapeutic effect is preserved during the day with the reception of the "Desloratadine". Instruction, the price in the pharmacies, the features of the application - all this information can be obtained from the attending physician.

The drug belongs to a low price category. For one packing of tablets it is necessary to pay about 200 rubles.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is prescribed for severe symptomsallergic rhinitis, which is accompanied by mucosal edema, sneezing, redness and general malaise. Also, the remedy is widely used for symptoms of hives, when there are rashes on the skin, itching.

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Contraindication to drug treatment ishypersensitivity to individual components of the drug, the period of gestation and breastfeeding. It is not recommended to take children under 12 years old, as well as patients with severe renal failure. It is not necessary without the expert's recommendation to use Desloratadine tablets. Analogues (their price may be slightly higher) can also be used after consulting a doctor.


The tablet should be taken without chewing, drinking downa lot of liquid. For adults and children over 12 years of age, the dose is 5 mg once a day. It is advisable to take the medicine at the same time. The course of treatment depends on the patient's condition. In the flowering period, when there is an allergic rhinitis, it is worth taking the pill for at least one week.

desloratadine instructions for use price analogues
What if the drug "Desloratadine Teva" was not found in the pharmacy? Analogs will be able to recommend a doctor. The most popular tools will be described below.


The drug belongs to the group of antihistaminesmeans. It blocks the production of histamine H1 receptors. The drug includes desloratadine. Produced in the form of blue tablets or syrup. The drug prevents the development and eliminates the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Has no sedative effects and does not affect the functioning of the nervous system. It is used to treat the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and hives. Contraindications to treatment are pregnancy and lactation. Also, do not take pills at the age of 12 years. Contraindicated medication with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

desloratadine teva analogues
With caution, the "Erius"pathologies of the kidneys and liver. In most cases, take one tablet a day. Syrup for adults is dosed in 10 ml at a time. Young children, depending on their age, are given a drink of 2.5 ml to 5 ml of medication per day. The medication has the same indices as Desloratadine. Instructions for use, price, analogues of the medicine - all this must be known to every allergic person.

Tablets "Elise"

The drug has antiallergicproperty. Does not cause drowsiness and does not affect the operation of the central nervous system. Reduces the permeability of capillaries, relaxes smooth muscles, relieves swelling. The medicine alleviates the symptoms of pain, itching, redness. A drug is prescribed for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, hives and other allergies. The therapeutic effect occurs 30 minutes after taking the medication and is stored for a day.

desloratadine instructions price in pharmacies
Do not use the product with increasedsensitivity to the components, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. The dose for one dose is 5 mg. Tablets are taken once a day. The drug has the same effect as the tablet "Desloratadine". Analogues are similar in composition.

Reviews about the drug Desloratadine and analogues

Many patients were able to get rid of shorta period of allergic rhinitis and other reactions that manifested itself with severe itching, swelling. The listed medicines do not cause drowsiness and other changes from the side of the central nervous system. Side effects do not develop if you take Desloratadine in accordance with the instructions. Analogues are also safe if the patient has previously consulted a doctor.

Tablets are easy to use.It is enough only once a day to take the drug, and you will be able to forget about allergy symptoms. Antihistamines are always available in pharmacies. Even if you could not find the "Desloratadine", the analogues will necessarily be available. However, it is worth remembering that the use of drugs of this group is only on the advice of a doctor.

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